macaroni cheese

  1. Morning Glory

    Dish of the month (May 2022): macaroni cheese

    'Dish of the month' focusses on an accessible and generic dish, so that most of us can join in, cook and post the results. Its non competitive and there is no need to post the recipe unless you want to. This month, macaroni cheese (mac 'n cheese) has been chosen. So, its over to you to make...
  2. bakedbeans18

    Using Eggyolk as Emulsifier in Mac & Cheese

    Hi there, just wondering if it's possible to use egg yolks as emulsifiers similar to how sodium citrate would be used. Don't really want to buy sodium citrate as it only has one use to me, and eggs have hundreds of applications. Has anyone here ever tried using egg yolks to keep a cheese...
  3. Hungry Man

    Recipe & Video Gluten free Mac and Cheese

    Gluten free Mac and Cheese View: Ingredients 500g corn pasta (or any other gluten-free macaroni) 1.5 cup cheddar cheese 1 cup gruyere cheese ½ cup parmesan (to garnish) 3 tbsp butter 600 ml milk 1/2 cup pasta water 1 tsp salt 1/4 tsp black pepper 1 tsp cayenne...
  4. mjd

    Searching for mac and cheese recipe

    Hi everyone: Do you know how to make macaroni and cheese with eggs, butter and chunks of various cheeses mixed in with the cooked elbow macaroni. It is baked in a preheated oven. My mother made it when we were growing up. I've had it one time since then but couldn't ask the cook for the recipe...
  5. The Late Night Gourmet

    Recipe Brussels Sprouts, Mac & Cheese, and Havarti Mini-Frittatas

    I posted a mini-frittata recipe previously that was meant to be healthy: no cheese! This comes together similarly, but is quite different. Ingredients 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon bacon grease 6 ounces Brussels Sprouts, chopped 3 large garlic cloves, diced 2 ounces ham, cut into cubes 1 cup...
  6. Mountain Cat

    Recipe Skillet Mac & Cheese with Vegetables

    Prep time: 10-15 minutes Cook time: around 15 minutes, depending on level of onion browning Rest time: Not needed. Serves: 2-3 as a main. 5 as a side. Leftover friendly: Store in fridge. Suggested side: Tossed salad drizzled with a homemade unsweetened vinaigrette. I'll admit that the...
  7. M

    How do I make a killer grilled cheese Mac and cheese

    Seen this pic on Instagram. Ever since I've really wanted to make it. I know how to make a basic mac and cheese but how might I get all those delicious caramelised bits. I just know I I do it it will come out sloppier than that.
  8. M

    How to make creamy Mac and cheese

    Looking to make a creamy Mac and cheese. Made it a few times in the past and it's nice but always feel I can do better. I've read various recipe ideas to make it creamier. A method I've come across is instead of making a roux with flour you coat the cheese in cornstarch which supposedly gives a...
  9. The Late Night Gourmet

    Recipe Basil Mac&Cheese Donuts

    I wanted to call this recipe “Basil Mac & Cheese Donuts: Fulfilling a dream that you didn’t know you had," but I didn't know if it would have fit. Next time, I'm using bacon instead of basil. I think I would have had more of a donut shape if I hadn't overfilled the tray somewhat. And, before...
  10. Rosyrain

    Mac and cheese with a twist

    I just learned of a restaurant in New York that specializes in different varieties of mac and cheese. They offer kinds like burger, BBQ, and chicken and bacon mac and cheese. Have you made your own variety of this classic dish?
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