
  1. JAS_OH1

    Hot smoked foods (fish in particular): advice please

    So last year in April for my DHs birthday I bought him a small electric smoker. He isn't a grill kind of guy in general (and weather in NE OH is so fickle that grilling and smoking aren't always easy to do) but I thought that with an electric smoker he might be more interested in trying stuff...
  2. Mothergoosygander

    I need tips!

    What do you guys think I should add in my bake sale? I have options but I’m not sure, peanut butter cookies Orange cake Chocolate cake Brownies Hot chocolate Vanilla or chocolate muffins Orange juice (Oranges are in the season now) I need max options to be 3 items… it needs to include a...
  3. kaneohegirlinaz

    How Can I Change The Hair Color Of The Emojis?

    I like these of people 🤷‍♀️ but I don't have blonde hair. In addition, can I change the skin tone?
  4. SandwichShortOfAPicnic

    Roasting pan clean-up tips

    In the middle of cooking the beef I tenderised with the new jabby instrument and marinated overnight. I fear having to scrub the pan it's roasting in so I used extra thick double up foil to save me the general scrubbing horror. I failed. I no longer care what the beef tastes like. Even if it's...
  5. A

    Tips for a butternut squash and sweet potato mash

    Looking for any advice on the following. I'm looking for something healthy and low calorie yet tasty (hence the olive oil). A few specific questions. How much olive oil should I use? I thought the oil would enhance the flavour of the spices, but most seemed to stay in the pan when I took it...
  6. rascal

    Italian lasagna recipe from folks here, tips please

    Does anyone have anything they think for me to make an authentic lasagna, I can giggle but I would like first hand tips. Miss 12 is here for a few days and we are making it tomorrow. I have 1 kg of beef mince out,heap of tomatoes (tinned) milk etc. I’m making a proper bechamel sauce. Russ
  7. The Late Night Gourmet

    Reheating Brussel Sprouts in the Microwave

    I work in an office, and while I would happily use a stove, toaster oven, or oven, the only option I have here when I want to reheat food is a microwave. I'm well aware that some things just don't do well in the microwave, so I don't bother with most bread-related things like pizza. But, I've...
  8. The Late Night Gourmet

    Professional tips for buying tomatoes

    Ever wonder why the tomatoes you buy at the supermarket look so perfect but taste so bland? Here are a pro's tips for buying tomatoes that taste like...tomatoes: 1. The uglier, the better. Tomatoes aren't supposed to look...
  9. Dados1950

    Some Cooking Tips for Beginners

    I'm not a professional cook or writer/author (was an englsh major in college) , but I enjoy cooking very much and writing about it. Hope you find these tips helpful. Whether we want to or have to, there may come a time when you need to cook. When I first got married…some 40 years ago…I decided...
  10. Lynne Guinne

    Household tips and tricks

    After making a comment about alternate uses for shampoo, I thought we might like a thread we can share shortcuts we've found useful. I have trouble with my hair liking a shampoo all the way through a bottle sometimes. In those cases, I re-purpose the shampoo into a shower and tub cleaner. Wet...
  11. niemela23

    Some cooking/food-related 'hacks' that I thought others may enjoy. :)

    -35 general, various foodie 'hacks'. Some neat little tricks... -A collection of salad 'hacks'. I especially like the little tidbit about red and green lettuces in this...
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