A healthly cooking oil

I use Olive oil for just about everything. In baking I use a butter flavored olive oil. I also have selection of avocado oil, macadamia nut oil and other flavored olive oils. I used to use canola oil in baking but now that most canola oil is a GMO food, I will not touch it.

Olive oil isn't cheap but I don't use a lot of oil so cost is not a major factor.
Palm oil is the healthiest oil to cook with. Its burning threshold is very high and you can reuse the same oil when cooking for a long time, without worrying about health side-effects. Palm oil comes packed in buttery form and you can get about 5 kilos for under 10 euros/12 dollars.
I use coconut oil when I can afford it, but the main oil we use is olive oil. Avocado is another good oil but it's a bit pricey.
I quit eating fried foods over the last ten years. Then I started hearing all these good things about olive oil and it's healthy fats. So I bought it and started frying food again. Then I read that heating up olive oil breaks down the good fats, and makes it no better than other oils. So, now I use it lightly on greens and cold pasta salads, but I don't cook with it.
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