Are your Kitchen Appliances Trying to kill You?

Understood. I just do the vinegar because it's so much cheaper (about $3 a gallon) and it works really well. I've been doing it for about a decade now. Yeah, I do have to flush out the coffee maker (mine is a brand called iCoffee) to get the vinegar odor out but since we have a well, water only costs as much as the electricity used to pump it.

Vinegar is also a better substitute than Windex for cleaning mirrors, windows, etc. I also use it to shine my stove, dishwasher, and microwave. It's antimicrobial and non-toxic, too, as opposed to ammonia-based cleaners.

Yeah, I've heard of vinegar being used to clean windows. We used to do it as kids growing up. :whistling:
Finally, a Mandoline You Don’t Have to Be Afraid Of

That's an expensive mandolin and by the looks of it you need to chop ingredients to a certain size in order to insert into the feeder.
Yeah, I wasn't thinking of purchasing it. I really don't need precise knife cuts most of the time (except for frying potato crisps), and we do have the old-fashioned type of mandolin with the cut-resistant gloves--and that would be for hubby to do if need be. But, the one I found looks much safer and if I did need one, it would be worth it to buy it.
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