Foods you love in some forms and hate in others

The Late Night Gourmet

Home kook
Staff member
30 Mar 2017
Local time
2:18 PM
Detroit, USA
I’m thinking about this just now after having a conversation with my wife. She told me “I hate tomatoes. “

I reminded her that she likes ketchup, pasta sauce, and tomato soup. She said that she doesn’t like them raw, but then requested that I put more of them in guacamole I was making!

She has also said that she hates onions, and doesn’t appreciate my smarty-pants reply when I point out that she likes onion rings, and that literally every soup she’s ever had contains onions.

The few times I’ve prepared recipes when she’s around, she will tell me not to put onions in it. This is tricky because it’s hard for me to imagine a savory recipe that doesn’t involve onions in some way. Needless to say, I don’t prepare recipes around her if they involve onions. I swear she acts as if I’m going to chop up raw onions at the very end and force them down her throat.

I think when people say they hate an ingredient, it’s because there is a specific format that they don’t like. Either that, or they had a bad experience growing up with the way their parents prepared something with that ingredient.

My wife used to hate steak because her parents would always incinerate it: they were so paranoid about any tiny bit of pink in the steak meaning it was still raw that it would be basically shoe leather by the time they served it. I quickly introduced her to the wonders of medium rare steak. It wasn’t that hard to convert her.
I have someone in my family who is "allergic" to anything she doesn't like. She claims to be allergic to onions, "but I can eat them if they're chopped really small and I can't see them."

And this is a grown person, older than me. She's also "allergic" to alcohol because she drank too much once and puked. She's also "allergic" to cigarette smoke, "because it smells bad and makes me cough."

That's not allergic, that's just not liking something.
I don't like milk or cream on their own, but I like them as ice cream or yogurt. The smell of milk makes me want to throw up to be honest!

I love tomatoes, but the smell of ketchup makes me want to throw up.
That's funny.

I used to hate tomatoes as a child. I absolutely loved ketchup. I used to get teased with "Do you want some fries with your bowl of ketchup?" In my defense, ketchup tastes NOTHING like tomatoes. Anyway, I've outgrown it and eat tomatoes now and still love ketchup.

I love salads and have one almost every day even if it's just a side salad or for munchies. I like carrots, broccoli and cauliflower raw. I don't care for any of them cooked.

I like fried chicken liver but hate liver and onions with gravy. That is not even allowed in my place! No!

I absolutely do NOT like turkey (the traditional kind made on Thanksgiving) but love smoked turkey. Yum!

And, this one is just bizarre. I do not care for hard liquor but I don't mind it when I'm sick and want to make a hot toddy!

It's nice to know I'm not the only one! ;-)

Oh...edited to add. I hate raw peaches (and kiwi - fruit should not have hair ;-) but love peach cobbler.

Another edit...I cannot eat hazelnuts but LOVE hazelnut coffee (and I'm not really coffee drinker).
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I have someone in my family who is "allergic" to anything she doesn't like. She claims to be allergic to onions, "but I can eat them if they're chopped really small and I can't see them."

And this is a grown person, older than me. She's also "allergic" to alcohol because she drank too much once and puked. She's also "allergic" to cigarette smoke, "because it smells bad and makes me cough."

That's not allergic, that's just not liking something.

I have a friend who says that she cannot have bell peppers because they give her really bad heartburn. I've shared several meals with her and have offered to put something aside before adding bell peppers. She finally says "It's fine if I can't see them." Huh? Either you can't have them or you can. <shrugs>

I think people say they are allergic to things to be polite. I have a ton of allergies (real) and have almost died a couple of times (anaphylaxis) because someone thought I was just being persnickety. It's getting better now in restaurants but I will never go to anyplace where the primary menu item is seafood.
I love milk, I have it with cheesy stuff,cheese on toast,big glass of milk, toasted sammich, big glass of milk. Nz is a dairy nation and we even had free milk I schools growing up. Every kid got a 300 ml bottle every day at school.


I just went to the supermarket and saw this. Look what it says at the top: my wife will probably hate it, even though there are no onions in it!
I think not liking the smell of milk is a specific kind of “phobia”, although I’m sure phobia is not the right term. I remember years ago on a Tv show called Survivor one of the contestants had this issue and they stuck his head inside a container full of milk. And it’s a lot worse than not liking, the smell of milk really gets me that retching impulse.
I think not liking the smell of milk is a specific kind of “phobia”, although I’m sure phobia is not the right term. I remember years ago on a Tv show called Survivor one of the contestants had this issue and they stuck his head inside a container full of milk. And it’s a lot worse than not liking, the smell of milk really gets me that retching impulse.

Did you ever watch the show "Monk" with Tony Shaloub? It's hilarious. He has a LONG list of things he doesn't like. I cannot recall if he claims to be allergic or afraid of milk, but it's definitely on his list of no-nos. ;-0
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