How is the corona virus affecting you?

Lockdown here in the UK starts tomorrow.
Not quite true...what's happening in England isn't the same as in Scotland, as least not yet. We are still in the "five tiers" stage, although in reality it's four as "Level Zero" means everything is wonderful and there's no such thing as illness, cask beer flows down from the mountains and the lakes are full of whisky. Yeah, okay, but you get the picture.
Starting Friday here:

No more than ten people at an indoor gathering (I assume people with households of over ten - like my aunt and uncle with ten children back in the day would have been an exception....) I forget what is allowed outdoors - 25? Not that at this time of year this will happen here often.

Curfew from 10 pm to 5 am. All establishments serving food as well as general things must shut down by ten. TBH, that's not going to affect any local businesses rurally here.

Masks must be worn at ALL public spaces. Which I guess means I can't walk the road here without wearing one. Even if no one else had walked it for five hours before or after myself... That's fine - a mask can keep off the wintry chill...
I have a caregiver 5 days per week. Her daughter, son-in-law and two of her three grandchildren have tested positive. The youngest is turning two on Thanksgiving. Everyone is doing okay, some worse than others but no hospitalizations from what she says.

I had to reschedule several doctors appointments from earlier this year and all of them are requiring testing before scheduling surgeries. As my caregiver is really my only human contact, I'm well insulated. So far, we both have tested negative (knock on wood).
Not quite true...what's happening in England isn't the same as in Scotland, as least not yet. We are still in the "five tiers" stage, although in reality it's four as "Level Zero" means everything is wonderful and there's no such thing as illness, cask beer flows down from the mountains and the lakes are full of whisky. Yeah, okay, but you get the picture.

Sorry - my mistake. Should have said England not UK.
Are you able to manage on that income alone? I'm sorry to hear this, hug for you!

I am living primarily on savings I had socked away. I've been pretty frugal, but having to replace an air conditioning system and a refrigerator ate a little over $6,000. That hurt. Air conditioning may seem like a luxury in many places, but in North Texas, it is a necessity.

I am living primarily on savings I had socked away. I've been pretty frugal, but having to replace an air conditioning system and a refrigerator ate a little over $6,000. That hurt. Air conditioning may seem like a luxury in many places, but in North Texas, it is a necessity.

Same here. I've not had any proper earnings since March. I've taken a part time job on minimum wage to reduce the draw on savings and investments whilst I retrain. Thankfully my wife is still working, so overall we are in a much better position than some.
The light lockdown here has been confirmed to last to mid December at least. This will kill business on an unprecedented scale. I'm pretty sad.

The only good news here is that the government have extended the furlough scheme (pays 80% of wages) until March next year. This may save some businesses from going under.
The only good news here is that the government have extended the furlough scheme (pays 80% of wages) until March next year. This may save some businesses from going under.
All of which represents yet another U-turn. Okay, I accept that any government is in a difficult situation where things can change so rapidly, but all we see from our lot is incompetence on a level you wouldn't believe. There again, you probably would...
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