How is the corona virus affecting you?

All of which represents yet another U-turn. Okay, I accept that any government is in a difficult situation where things can change so rapidly, but all we see from our lot is incompetence on a level you wouldn't believe. There again, you probably would...
Not much sense to be found in the new restrictions. The biggest covid clusters locally have been in universities and factories. They are still operating, whilst the retail sector, that has pretty much mastered secure practice is being closed down. 22 premiership footballers can run a round a pitch breathing heavily and hugging each other when they score a goal (and then go and play against 22 other players a few days later) yet I cannot walk around a golf course or play tennis with one other person. Students are being forced to stay in mass accommodation halls as opposed to going home into a family bubble, despite the fact that their studies are being conducted online. Still, at least Brexit negotiations are going well.
Well, it's in my backyard. I just got the call this morning at 6:30A. I tested positive. I feel okay except for some sinus stuff I get every Spring and Fall. This means that I have to quarantine for 14 days and can't have my outpatient surgery for at least 20 days out. I have NO idea how I got it as I no longer drive and only have contact with my caregiver and medical staff when I go for appointments or procedures.
Well, it's in my backyard. I just got the call this morning at 6:30A. I tested positive. I feel okay except for some sinus stuff I get every Spring and Fall. This means that I have to quarantine for 14 days and can't have my outpatient surgery for at least 20 days out. I have NO idea how I got it as I no longer drive and only have contact with my caregiver and medical staff when I go for appointments or procedures.
Please pay attention to your symptoms and get to the hospital if they worsen. I know you're dependent on others for transportation, so get a plan in place on what you're going to do if you need to go at a moment's notice.

Also, just take care of yourself in general. Stay positive, and eat some chicken soup!
Please pay attention to your symptoms and get to the hospital if they worsen. I know you're dependent on others for transportation, so get a plan in place on what you're going to do if you need to go at a moment's notice.

Also, just take care of yourself in general. Stay positive, and eat some chicken soup!

Thanks TastyReuben. I have a Life Alert button and the hospital is across the street so that will be the easiest part. Right now, my local grocery stores don't offer delivery so I'm not sure how I will get food. Luckily, I went shopping a couple days ago and the average adult meal is either 2 or 3 meals for me. I'll have to get creative with ingredients (will need your help when we get to that point! ;-) but I'm okay for now. Thanks again.
Well, it's in my backyard. I just got the call this morning at 6:30A. I tested positive. I feel okay except for some sinus stuff I get every Spring and Fall. This means that I have to quarantine for 14 days and can't have my outpatient surgery for at least 20 days out. I have NO idea how I got it as I no longer drive and only have contact with my caregiver and medical staff when I go for appointments or procedures.

Hugs, hope you will be ok!

And medical staff are often carriers even without knowing, and here there was a scandal about them being pressured to work with covid so that might just be it unfortunately.
Well, it's in my backyard. I just got the call this morning at 6:30A. I tested positive. I feel okay except for some sinus stuff I get every Spring and Fall. This means that I have to quarantine for 14 days and can't have my outpatient surgery for at least 20 days out. I have NO idea how I got it as I no longer drive and only have contact with my caregiver and medical staff when I go for appointments or procedures.

Oh gosh - sorry to hear this. Hopefully you are asymptomatic and it won't affect you too badly. But as TastyReuben pay attention to any symptoms. You did say that your care worker had been in contact with positive family members I think? Maybe that is how - although I assume your care worker must have tested negative if they are allowed to see you.
Hugs, hope you will be ok!

And medical staff are often carriers even without knowing, and here there was a scandal about them being pressured to work with covid so that might just be it unfortunately.

I was pondering that idea because I literally do NOT go anywhere except to doctors' appointments. It's ridiculous that we don't have a better handle on this after all this time.

Thanks for the good wishes. I appreciate it!
Oh gosh - sorry to hear this. Hopefully you are asymptomatic and it won't affect you too badly. But as TastyReuben pay attention to any symptoms. You did say that your care worker had been in contact with positive family members I think? Maybe that is how - although I assume your care worker must have tested negative if they are allowed to see you.

Thanks Morning Glory. My caregiver had NOT been tested because she doesn't have any symptoms. She also was not exposed to her positive family members. She went to the hospital to get tested this morning but won't know her results for several days. In the meantime, she has to quarantine as she has two other clients besides me. They have been notified.

Thanks for your kind message.
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Are you able to manage on that income alone? I'm sorry to hear this, hug for you!
Fortunately I am given 80% of my income through a government scheme to help those on furlough. It's very tight on my income but we have some savings to help out. We are in a much better position that many people.
Fortunately I am given 80% of my income through a government scheme to help those on furlough. It's very tight on my income but we have some savings to help out. We are in a much better position that many people.

I'm glad you have that safety net. I just tested positive so my caregiver had to get tested. She will be in quarantine until she gets the results (4-5 days). She talked to her supervisor this morning and they are not offering any kind of paid leave and won't approve unemployment. If she's positive, it will be AT LEAST 20 days before she can return to work. That's quite a bit of money lost for an hourly employee.
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