How is the corona virus affecting you?

That is really shocking, how come so many deaths?

We have lots of infected but only about 2 to 8 deaths a day.
I don't know how they came up with the figure, but it was quoted on BBC news this morning. The warning was issued by SAGE, the Governments own covid advisory group. There is a possibility it may have political motives, either to force the Government into announcing a national lockdown, or more likely paving the way for them to do so without losing face as their current measure are failing.
SAGE were urging a "circuit breaker" more than a month ago. In fact, just about anybody with a modicum of sense has been supporting this idea. The government has completely rejected it, but given their record of U-turns, it remains a possibility. Of course, if and when it does happen, it will be much too late.
SAGE were urging a "circuit breaker" more than a month ago. In fact, just about anybody with a modicum of sense has been supporting this idea. The government has completely rejected it, but given their record of U-turns, it remains a possibility. Of course, if and when it does happen, it will be much too late.

Its happening. Announcement by Boris at 4pm today. Doesn't make a huge difference to me but I'm pleased I got to the plant nursery this morning for Winter bedding for window boxes. Looks like everything except essential shops will be closed for a month.
Its happening. Announcement by Boris at 4pm today. Doesn't make a huge difference to me but I'm pleased I got to the plant nursery this morning for Winter bedding for window boxes. Looks like everything except essential shops will be closed for a month.

We had this 6 months ago!

And, as an aside, we're also into winter bedding as the temperatures have been dropping to 22°C overnight!
Since yesterday we have another light lockdown.

-Regional curfews
-Max 2 people from the same household together outside, 1.5 metre distance to keep from everyone
-Masks mandatory in all public buildings
-Max 2 guests to visit your home per day
-No entertainment venues allowed. Museums, holiday parcs, clubs, cinemas, sports venues, libraries etc are to close for at least two weeks
-Hotel restaurants to close
-Restaurants close till at least half december
-No stores open after 20.00 at night
-No sales of alcohol or weed after 20.00 at night

In another two weeks we might face either a full lockdown, or if the numbers allow it a continuation of this light lockdown for another 4 weeks. Our holiday is as expected, cancelled. But we wouldn't have gone anyway, we prefer I survive this pandemic.
Lockdown here in the UK starts tomorrow. Pubs & restaurants closed except for take outs. Schools, Colleges and Universities remain open. All shops closed except those deemed 'essential'. Hair dressers, salons, gyms, leisure facilities etc. closed. This will last 4 weeks It could be longer if numbers don't come down.

For me personally it makes little difference as I stay indoors and safe in any case.
Lockdown here in the UK starts tomorrow. Pubs & restaurants closed except for take outs. Schools, Colleges and Universities remain open. All shops closed except those deemed 'essential'. Hair dressers, salons, gyms, leisure facilities etc. closed. This will last 4 weeks It could be longer if numbers don't come down.

For me personally it makes little difference as I stay indoors and safe in any case.

Yeah schools, religious centres and universities remain open here too. Non essential shops may be closed if nothing changes in two weeks. Restaurants are open for take away too, but even that is killing business. In december they will have been close for two months, which kills their revenue.

It's the same for me as for you, my life continues pretty much as it always has. But I do miss the more joyful things especially in this stressful situation at home, I mean I can't even go the library to escape the tension anymore when I need to.
My state has been doing well but now we are seeing a rise in diagnosed cases that increased every week. Connecticut (CT), the state just below mine, sent out word that people from Massachusetts (MA) can no longer go into CT without quarantining or testing 72 hours prior - unless it is for employment, "essential" travel, or the visit is under 24 hours. MA has just rejoined that by telling us we can no longer come back from CT without either quarantining or getting that test, unless it is for employment (or "essential" travel). 24 hours isn't even on MA's chart of do-ables.

I have ordered a half side of a pig way back early last spring. For pick-up, I can go down there and bring it back (whenever it really is ready), but I either have to get tested or quarantine at home for 14 days upon return. I don't understand the getting tested bit in this case as I'd only be in the state for 3-4 hours tops - if I "catch" it there and bring it back, no immediate test (or prior test) will be positive. At least due to any travel down to CT... So - when the time comes, I will simply plan on self-quarantine upon return.

I'll have pork here, anyways....

BTW, at the moment, the western third of my state (which is where I live) has atm very low incidence. My town still is at zero - and no, I do NOT plan to be the first person in town who gets COVID!

(There are a few states we still have reciprocal visitations with. New York is one of them, although there is no way I'd travel to NYC at this point in time!)
Lockdowns have been the biggest dent that many people, including me, have had to deal with. That means we don't get out as much as we used to, because destinations are closed. Wearing a mask is only bothersome when it fogs your glasses.

I am retired and so work is not a bother. I turn more to indoor or local to home activities, hobbies, etc.

The big thing that I find bothersome is trying to locate and purchase things online that are not marked "Out of Stock." It took me a while to get Hair Clippers. Yes, I clip my own hair now, close cut to minimize that hacked appearance. Things marked "Out of Stock" seem to stay that way for a long time.
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