How is the corona virus affecting you?

It's funny how Brexit was voted on-we want out and send the low skill low wage foreigners back home-now all of a sudden we are best buds with our European friends and singing the praises of the amazing (low skills low wage) 'foreigners' who are doing such an amazing job of keeping our hospitals clean.

Gripe over-as you were.
One of the many strange aspects of the current times is that a whole army of "minimum wage workers" are now being regarded as heroes. I'm thinking of the supermarket workers, delivery drivers, posties, council refuse workers and the like who have spent most of their lives being largely disregarded. You'd like to think that in happier, future times, these people will be given a little more recognition. The cynic in me says that any such feeling with be ephemeral. I hope I'm wrong.

Unfortunately I think the cynic in you is actually being realistic. Once this is over they'll be back to being disregarded again, 'our wonderful nurses, paramedics etc' will go back to being part of the bloated public sector...
Unfortunately I think the cynic in you is actually being realistic. Once this is over they'll be back to being disregarded again, 'our wonderful nurses, paramedics etc' will go back to being part of the bloated public sector...
As someone once sagely remarked to me, the observation of cynical behaviour is not, in itself, cynical.
The Makro here has today announced that their stores will restrict purchases during 06:00 and 08:00 to the elderley and those with special needs. I fit into both those categories, however, there is no mention of the relaxation of the banning of alcohol sales before 11:00.

A dilemma.

Ii was a bit of a joke (although true) ElizabethB. My wife does all the shopping and is perfectly capable of buying beer within the permitted hours. As am I really - I'm just lazy.
Ii was a bit of a joke (although true) ElizabethB. My wife does all the shopping and is perfectly capable of buying beer within the permitted hours. As am I really - I'm just lazy.
You should go at 7AMish and drink a few right there in the aisle, then explain that you wouldn't have to get the day's drinking in if they'd fix their policy. :)
My first stint on the new shift pattern tomorrow. It's a fairly long shift, 10:30 till 20:00, but at least it's not our usual start, 05:30, and providing I don't have to provide cover for hols or illness I'm only working one day in six.
That's the thing, I am safe now, and as one with immunity I can be a hell of a lot more use to society over the next few weeks.

How can you be sure you had the virus? I'm being cautious here. We can all get flu like symptoms which seem like the virus. Best not to assume you have had it and are immune or otherwise you could put yourself and others in danger. It would be great if we had that antibody test up and running!
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