How often do you eat bread?

I wouldn't say I eat bread everyday but I know I have a starch at least once every day. I'd like for it to be bread but, out of convenience, it may end up being something else. I need fresh baked bread to be in my house more often. The issue is it's gone once it's made most of the time.
I used to have it almost every day. Then somewhat subconsciously I ended up switching to different breakfasts (mainly yogurt and fruit) and my bread consumption is next to nothing these days.

Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing though!
We eat bread Monday -Thursday as we take sandwiches to work. Trouble is we get bored and struggle to know what to put in them. We are looking to go bread free for a while but feel a bit limited as to what we can have instead.
I rarely eat bread these days because it goes stale so easily and my Asian family doesn't really have a taste for it but they don't mind eating rice and noodles by the bucket load though. LOL. I eat bread maybe once a month when someone buys it for an afternoon snack and we smother it with peanut butter and strawberry jam since blueberries don't grow a lot in my region.
Usually I eat bread when I am eating something that has a heavy milk content. Eating bread usually makes my reaction severely less when eating something with milk in it. Plus, a good bread with some sweet butter on it is always good to eat.
We are rice eaters since that is our staple. But in the morning, bread is our usual breakfast, that's general in most Filipino homes in the urban areas. In our home, we practically eat bread in the morning almost every day. But there are times that we have bread on the table for lunch of dinner when the food is pasta or burger steak. When we have that special macaroni soup for dinner on occasions, it goes best with buttered toast. Basically we eat bread about 20% of the time.
Not too often and too often sometimes. I try to never buy it and then my husband goes out and buys it and then I can't help but eat it. It's one of those cases of if it's not around fine, but when it's around, I find it and eat all.:headshake:
Almost daily, although sometimes I'll have a rice dish for lunch and a pasta dish for dinner but I eat bread on a pretty regular basis.
I eat bread everyday but I try to limit it for breakfast. I was advised by my doctor to eat more of the complex carbohydrates than simple ones like bread. I think bread is one of the reasons for candida outgrowth. I do not have it and would not want to experience one.
When I am in Europe or Australia, I love my bread. When I am in Thailand, I don't eat bread at all. But in Switzerland we love bread and we have a couple of dishes we make with bread.
The first one goes as follows: slice 2 thick pieces of bread. Put your favourite cheese like Gruyere or a tasty Cheddar cheese on top of it. Now take a frypan with lid. Heat up the pan, place the bread side in the pan when hot, toast it for a minute, then take white wine and add a good serve in to the fry pan and place the lid straight away on top. Steam until cheese is melted. In the meantime cook a couple of fried eggs. Once cooked, remove the cheese bread from the fry pan and place it on a plate. Put the fried egg on top and voila, dinner is ready. It's yummy, try it out!
The second one is sweet. A good way to use 2 to 3 day old bread. Slice the bread in to quarter inch slices. Now take a bowl, add milk, couple of raw eggs, touch of vanilla essence and a touch of sugar. Mix well. Then soak the bread in the mix, not to long and fry It off in a fry pan, both sides till golden brown. Now, make a mix of sugar and cinnamon, roll the fried bread slices in it and place them on your plate. Serve it with cold apple purée, it's yummy and I am sure the kids are going to love it.
By the way, the reason why I don't eat bread in Thailand is, I eat as the Thais eat and they don't eat bread. There are some good European bakeries in Thailand and the bread is nice but I live quite easy without it for a month while I am in Thailand.
I love bread, but I limit myself because if I ate as much as I wanted, I would probably have bread with every meal plus snacks plus more just because. My boyfriend doesn't really eat bread at all, so I usually don't keep it in the house because I'll either eat the whole loaf in two days or limit myself to a slice a day until half of it goes moldy.

There's a nice Italian bakery near my apartment, so now if I'm seriously craving bread I try to make it worthwhile and get something really tasty :) And when I'm home visiting my parents and my mom bakes kolach bread, all bets are off and I can easily eat half a loaf to myself while it's still warm!
I eat bread almost every day. I try to switch it up with yogurt though often as bread has a lot of carbs I don't need. I will probably just eat one slice of bread today though. I think I am going to have a peanut butter bread or toast for lunch. Bread is just so convenient though, and makes things taste good.
Bread is one of my favorite things to eat. Fresh, warm, bread with real butter.. .yum. It's one of my downfalls. I'm not eating much bread right now though, since I'm trying out a high protein, low carb diet. Well, it's technically high protein, low carb, high fiber, so I do get to have the occasional slice of high fiber bread. To answer the question as put, not very often these days. Once every few days at most.
I love to eat bread very much, but garlic bread and chocolate bread are my all time favorite. And I at least twice a week. One this and then another.
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