How quickly do you use eggs?


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
12:58 AM
Ohio, US
I bought a dozen eggs Saturday afternoon, and I had two eggs from the previous dozen left over.

Here it is Monday afternoon and I’m down to two eggs again! Wha…?!

How long does it take you to go through eggs?
We go through a dozen or so every 3-4 days. I usually buy 2 of the 18-packs on my grocery order, but if eggs are on sale somewhere for $2 a dozen (like Marc's) I will just go get 4 dozen from that store, along with any other various sundries needed for my frig and pantry.

I am down to my last dozen right now so I might go out later this afternoon to pick some up.

Edited for correction: I have 1 and 1/2 dozen in the frig, so I am good for now, but I might still go to the store anyway (early evening when Memorial weekend traffic dies down) since I am working all week and won't have much time to shop. Hubby knows how to cook eggs for breakfast! Plus I made him 6 "jammy" eggs to snack on during the day. He generally eats 3 eggs for breakfast every day and 2 boiled eggs as a snack every other day (in rotation with fruit and yogurt).

I saw another local grocery store that has 80% lean ground beef on sale for $1.99 a pound so I may have to nab some of that while I am out.
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I could eat three eggs for breakfast every morning, but I don't. Mostly because I don't want to cook every morning. Three eggs, scrambled, plus bacon and buttered toast. Perfect!

I go through about a dozen a month.

Eggs are a big part of my diet lately and I go through 3 to 4 dozen every 7 days. I get mine from 2 local farms.

Blimey! If its only you eating them that averages 6 eggs a day every day. Maybe you hold the CookingBites record? Although its sounds like when the hens are laying SatNavSaysStraightOn might be eating even more...
Blimey! If its only you eating them that averages 6 eggs a day every day. Maybe you hold the CookingBites record? Although its sounds like when the hens are laying SatNavSaysStraightOn might be eating even more...
Sounds like a lot, that's for sure lol. It's only around 500 calories for those 6 eggs. Right now I'm going for a very nutrient dense diet and it's hard to beat an egg for it quality nutrients. I use hard boiled eggs as a snack food and probably eat 2 of those a day, so it's not too difficult, and I find it pretty easy. Cheers.
About 15 eggs in 2 weeks, so that works out to about two eggs every other day with the three of us. I do a lot of baking, and they're convenient to feed a young adult. It's still less than a lot of members here because we don't have a huge culture around cooked breakfasts or cooked eggs in general in this country. They're more part of meals, and I will make a scramble once in a while for breakfast.
Sounds like a lot, that's for sure lol. It's only around 500 calories for those 6 eggs. Right now I'm going for a very nutrient dense diet and it's hard to beat an egg for it quality nutrients. I use hard boiled eggs as a snack food and probably eat 2 of those a day, so it's not too difficult, and I find it pretty easy. Cheers.

I'd find it easy too, as I love eggs. But in reality I don't eat very much of anything. Yeah, I know... I'm not anorexic or anything. I just imbibe too many calories via alcohol so most food I cook is for my partner these days. He has eggs about three times a week on average.

I eat maybe one egg every other day.
Blimey! If its only you eating them that averages 6 eggs a day every day. Maybe you hold the CookingBites record? Although its sounds like when the hens are laying SatNavSaysStraightOn might be eating even more...
I tend to give more eggs away than i/we eat. I'm very sensitive to the cholesterol in eggs, so try to limit my consumption to around 1-2 a week (at my Drs request) though hubby will eat twice or three times that... some times I'll eat 6-12 on a week but then not touch them again for a month or more.

Whilst cycling around the world we'd eat 3 or 4 a day each but we were consuming 6-7,500 calories a day whist we were cycling around the world (and still losing weight!)
I'd find it easy too, as I love eggs. But in reality I don't eat very much of anything. Yeah, I know... I'm not anorexic or anything. I just imbibe too many calories via alcohol so most food I cook is for my partner these days. He has eggs about three times a week on average.

I eat maybe one egg every other day.
Yeah, as people age they have a tendency to cut back in food consumption in general, which as you know is not optimal for the quality of life most want going forward. It's basic biology and MG, eat your eggs. :DCheers.
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