I'm Watching What I Eat (2023)

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I am finally losing weight, down from 53,3kg (117,5 pounds) in early May to 52,3kg (115,3 pounds) today.

It's not a lot, but my goal is getting to 50kg (110,3 pounds) before the summer and I'm on track.

I've been skinny fat most of my life and my main goal is getting rid of the fat, but I don't like seeing myself too skinny (until I was 22, my normal weight was 44kg - 97 pounds. I'm 1,5 - 4'11"). I don't like looking skinny but I don't like having too much fat either. I'll admit that I'm not counting calories but I've been eating right, trying to eat less and doing strength workouts at the gym 3 times per week. I can tell I am losing fat because I look less "fluffy" which is good.
Strength training isn't the easiest way to look less "fluffy". Cardio exercises like jogging or swimming in various levels and lots of body workouts helped me a few years ago. When your muscle feels like burning and it's getting numb occasionally you're on the right way. The best way to loose fat like that is in a group of good people

Still a good healthy body image 👌
MrsT’s weigh-in didn’t go well this week, up two pounds, and I’m afraid it’s going to be ugly next weigh-in, after meatballs, a reuben (split over two meals), and sausages this week.

I cracked a bottle of cheap champagne this morning, and I’m faced with drinking all but 2oz of it, because that’s all she’ll have.

Look for a headline later that says “Ohio Man Ignites Gas Grill and Himself in Sausage Escapade.”
I'm back to try out new stuff in my diet. Now I want to incorporate more flavourful food, chili, lemon, Mustard, fresh herbs, ginger and garlic. Just to find out how I'm gonna react to all these power plants :smug:
MrsT’s weigh-in was fine, down two pounds.

She’s very happy with herself right now - we went shopping earlier and for the first time in years, she bought clothes out of the “regular-sized” women’s department (sorry, I don’t know the actual name for it), instead of the Women’s department (which is the actual name of their department for plus sizes - I suppose women who are say, a size 6, aren’t really women, just grown girls with experience, idk. For men, all our clothes are in one department, called…wait for it…Men).

I have to say…her total weight loss since she started (51 weeks ago) is a little over 72 pounds, and I think 30 of that came from her backside. Being respectful here, but it used to be rather…pleasantly plump, and now it looks like the inside of a spoon!

She keeps saying, “I don’t have a butt anymore! I don’t have a butt!” - and I keep agreeing with her. :laugh:
MrsT’s weigh-in was fine, down two pounds.

She’s very happy with herself right now - we went shopping earlier and for the first time in years, she bought clothes out of the “regular-sized” women’s department (sorry, I don’t know the actual name for it), instead of the Women’s department (which is the actual name of their department for plus sizes - I suppose women who are say, a size 6, aren’t really women, just grown girls with experience, idk. For men, all our clothes are in one department, called…wait for it…Men).

I have to say…her total weight loss since she started (51 weeks ago) is a little over 72 pounds, and I think 30 of that came from her backside. Being respectful here, but it used to be rather…pleasantly plump, and now it looks like the inside of a spoon!

She keeps saying, “I don’t have a butt anymore! I don’t have a butt!” - and I keep agreeing with her. :laugh:

I've never had a butt. Even when I was at my heaviest weight, I had a flat butt. I wish I could wear one of those compression things around my abdominal region, and my body mass would squeeze down into my butt. I'd love to hear a woman say, "Nice butt." Heck, if a man said it, I'd still consider it compliment. :laugh:

So it's that time of year again for me. Time to avoid standing on the scales and accept that I enjoyed Christmas, Wedding Anniversary and a big birthday a little too much, and now need to continue in shedding a few kilos.

I'm still aiming to get back down below 60kg. I can't say what I am now because I'm avoiding the scales. I have a long relationship with them and it mostly involves me not standing on them and not wanting to.

I'm not starting the weight loss this week but will in earnest next week when hubby returns to work. This week will be mostly aiming to reduce what I have been eating and eat the remaining temptations in the house. I'm fine at dieting if and only if the packet isn't open. Once a packet of whatever is open, I have to eat it all. So this week is a case of removing temptation and planning on dropping the calories without actually starting the 'diet'.
My doctor has always said that the best way to lose weight is portion control. I put that concept to work about a year ago and have lost 70 lbs so far with a few more to go. I'm pretty close to normal weight for my age and height. I eat exactly what I ate before the process but I cut the portions in half. If I yearn for a bagel I have half a bagel. One scoop of ice cream gets the job done. I cut the size of my pie slices in half. I make hamburgers on an English muffin. I was hungry all the time in the beginning but that disappeared after a couple of weeks as my body became adjusted to the new level of food intake. It isn't a fast process but it works on a steady basis. Eat three meals per day but with a smaller amount of food.

Diets that change what people eat cause people to give up because they miss their favorite foods. Try the concept. It is tried and true and costs nothing. You appear to be on the right track. Good luck.
My doctor has always said that the best way to lose weight is portion control. I put that concept to work about a year ago and have lost 70 lbs so far with a few more to go. I'm pretty close to normal weight for my age and height. I eat exactly what I ate before the process but I cut the portions in half. If I yearn for a bagel I have half a bagel. One scoop of ice cream gets the job done. I cut the size of my pie slices in half. I make hamburgers on an English muffin. I was hungry all the time in the beginning but that disappeared after a couple of weeks as my body became adjusted to the new level of food intake. It isn't a fast process but it works on a steady basis. Eat three meals per day but with a smaller amount of food.

Diets that change what people eat cause people to give up because they miss their favorite foods. Try the concept. It is tried and true and costs nothing. You appear to be on the right track. Good luck.

A good approach and its beautifully simple. I suppose it depends on having a reasonably balanced diet though.
A good approach and its beautifully simple. I suppose it depends on having a reasonably balanced diet though.
Yes, I eat a little of everything. I think it works with any diet. Just keep eating what you enjoy and have always eaten just less of it. Want a chocolate bar? Fine. just eat half of it today and save the rest for another day. Weight loss is nothing more than taking in fewer calories than your metabolism burns. You can do it with a change in what you eat or no change with smaller portions. I think the latter is the way to go. Your body will get accustomed to the lower intake over a fairly short time.
Yes, I eat a little of everything. I think it works with any diet. Just keep eating what you enjoy and have always eaten just less of it. Want a chocolate bar? Fine. just eat half of it today and save the rest for another day. Weight loss is nothing more than taking in fewer calories than your metabolism burns. You can do it with a change in what you eat or no change with smaller portions. I think the latter is the way to go. Your body will get accustomed to the lower intake over a fairly short time.
I'm aware as a new member here, you're not yet aware of my medical issues, so please don't take this as a criticism, it's not. It's an explanation of why what you're saying doesn't work for me. There are also other members on this site who it doesn't work for as well.

I have the (very rare) adult version of CF which comes with the associated digestive/absorption disorder. CF patients typically have to eat much more to get the nutrients they need from their food because it affects not just the lungs but the gut as well. In fact those with full blown CF are often put on digestive enzyme supplements to aid them getting what they need from normal food quantities. I'm not on those supplements because of the variant of CF that i have. I don't absorb vitamins and minerals as well as those without the disease/condition. It means that I have to eat 2 to 3 times the quantity to get the same nutritional value from the exact same food as anyone else. (I had (she's dead now) a half sister who died from full blown CF, so I'm pretty lucky.) I also have another medical condition that affects my ability to even digest for, let alone absorb what I need from it, and that's Addison's disease. My body does not produce cortisol at all. Cortisol is a steroid the body produces that controls a hell of a lot in the body including some pretty key functions like the ability to control the potassium sodium balance in the body.

If I've over done it the day before, my body doesn't know to absorb more energy or release more energy from fat, whereas someone without the condition, their body will respond by producing more cortisol and thus providing the body with more of what it needs so they recover far faster than i do. If i get ill, i have to take more steroids to assist in the recovery. The result for me I don't recover anywhere near as well as someone without the condition, and that I have to take a replacement steroid 3 times a day. Without it I'll die, not immediately but over the course of a month or so, I'll not be able to digest food and starve to death. But it means that my body doesn't respond to needing to get more from the food etc. One result is that I crave easily digestible/absorbable foods all of the time, so sugar cravings are normal and I'm always running low on energy and vitamins and minerals in my blood.

The only time my body was fine with what I ate was when I was cycling around the world. We were typically consuming 8,000-10,000 calories a day, so my body was getting enough food to absorb what it needed without help and I was active enough to be burning off all of those calories. That's been the only time when I've not struggled with my weight. Again that is normal for CF patients and for those with Addison's disease.

So for me, portion control doesn't actually work for maintaining my weight, let alone losing any. It just leaves me with malnutrition (even if I take large numbers of supplements.)
I'm aware as a new member here, you're not yet aware of my medical issues, so please don't take this as a criticism, it's not. It's an explanation of why what you're saying doesn't work for me. There are also other members on this site who it doesn't work for as well.
No, I wasn't aware. What I recommend will work for any diet but, as you say, not every person. Sorry to hear it.
MrsT is another 2.2 pounds down, total weight loss at the one-year point is 74.4 pounds.

She’s psyching herself up for putting half of that back on, as next week, she’s going on a week-long Alaskan cruise. :laugh:
MrsT is another 2.2 pounds down, total weight loss at the one-year point is 74.4 pounds.

She’s psyching herself up for putting half of that back on, as next week, she’s going on a week-long Alaskan cruise. :laugh:
It's a great time of year to go from what I've heard.
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