Show me your breakfast

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Can you tell something more about these? They intrigued me
Sure, though there isn't much to tell.

Little shredded wheat biscuits, just big enough for a spoon, and they're frosted in an (artificial) blueberry-flavored sugar coating (on top only). It's for people who want to feel like they're being healthy, while eating a sugar bomb.

Frosted Mini-Wheats - Wikipedia
TastyReuben I've seen those cereal here in Portugal. Like you say, they are a sugar bomb in disguise. Nowadays I see most breakfast cereal as candy, they are loaded with sugar and nutritionally very poor. I don't buy cereal anymore but if I go to someone's house and they have them I will eat them as a sweet snack.
My breakfast, with my lame attempt at gluten free bread.

Fork and knife belonged to the set my maternal grandparents got as wedding gifts, 70 or 80 years ago.

Image from iOS (126).jpg

I did not eat this. I generally don't like dessert for breakfast, and I'm not hugely enamored of strawberries, but this was MrsTasty's request, to round out her birthday week.

The construction was going really well for a while - pancake, strawberry syrup, whipped cream, pancake, strawberry syrup, whipped cream, but as I was laying on the top bits, the cream collapsed from the heat of the pancakes.

MrsTasty assured me that, due to the ugliness of the dish, she'd consume it so no one would have to know.
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