Recipe Strawberry Gratin with Sweet Cheese Topping


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
9:37 PM
Ohio, US
Strawberry Gratin with Sweet Cheese Topping
Makes 4 servings

2 cups fresh strawberries, washed, topped, and quartered
2 TB fresh (mild) goat cheese (do not use stronger aged goat cheese), at room temp
2 TB cream cheese, at room temp
2 TB half-and-half or single cream
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp granulated sugar
1 TB packed dark brown sugar

Heat the oven broiler/grill on high and place an oven rack about 4 inches or so from the heat source.

Arrange the strawberries evenly in a small broiler/grill-safe gratin dish. Place the cheeses, half-and-half, vanilla, and granulated sugar in a small bowl and mix together until smooth. Evenly pour over the strawberries, then sprinkle over the brown sugar.

Broil/grill for 5-8 minutes, until the cheese just starts to brown. Keep a close watch. Remove from the oven and serve immediately.

Recipe adapted from The Dessert Bible, by Christopher Kimball

The CookingBites recipe challenge: strawberries
Could I use something other than goat cheese. I hate that cheese. More cream cheese or manchego cheese?
Could I use something other than goat cheese. I hate that cheese. More cream cheese or manchego cheese?
I’d probably say maybe a bit more cream cheese, but cut in a little sour cream for the tanginess.

ETA: …and I’d lessen the half-and-half if I used sour cream, I think.
Dayum I love this recipe. We're way to anxious about our food traditions. Instead of baking the berries, I would macerate them in some Port wine and pepper until tender and then pour some melted cheese over it.
Garnish it with some crispy parm cheese out of the microwave

EDIT: after reading my comment, I realized I just changed all the radical free thinking, and made it into just another sellable dish :speechless:
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