Trumps history

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Joseph Goebbels once said that if you keep repeating a big lie, it becomes the truth. Is anyone surprised he’s taking another page from the Nazi playbook?
It's what I call The Bucket of Shit Syndrome. Tabloid newspapers have used this trick for many years. If you keep chucking the stuff at a wall for long enough, some of it sticks. Okay, it's an unpleasant analogy, but we're talking about unpleasant people.
He has colored a few.
I read where he wanted to wear a tee shirt like that out of the hospital after his COVID and do a superman reveal, but he got talked out of it. Wonder if it's true?
His golf courses have had PGA events cancelled recently, Deuchebank has withdrawn credit, and his property portfolio is losing customrs.

Trump owes $340 million to Deutschebank alone, and he has an estimated $1.1 billion in total debt. He is still "fund raising", which he is apparently allowed to do. Again, gullible followers who are barely able to pay their bills will give up their hard-earned money because he tells them it's their patriotic duty to save our country.
Trump owes $340 million to Deutschebank alone, and he has an estimated $1.1 billion in total debt. He is still "fund raising", which he is apparently allowed to do. Again, gullible followers who are barely able to pay their bills will give up their hard-earned money because he tells them it's their patriotic duty to save our country.

A part of any money given to his various fundraising efforts will end up in his pocket. His Presidential Library fundraiser will be no exception, although, he will want to have the biggest, tackiest, most over-the-top gaudy Presidential Library ever built. No problem, he just won't pay the people who build it.

His pardons were reported here to cost you 2 million? Really!!!

That was the report, but apparently it's not happening. I saw an interview with someone in the Office of the Pardon (this existed before Trump...they review cases sent to them for pardons). They reported that no wacky cases were submitted to them (i.e., no self pardons or pre-emptive pardons for family and friends). Also, no pardons for Giuliani or Bannon, though Lil Wayne is expected to get one. No, I'm not making this up!
Biden says he's going to model his programs on Calif for the rest of the US.
Our about to be recalled Governor gave us and it moving forward on:
$1.50 more per gallon of gas.
Dangerous criminals released from prison.
Prisons closed.
No power plants built.
Astronomical electric rates.
Tax the miles you drive and the miles you travel.
Shut down and ban Natural Gas for heating and cooking. Three Calif counties have that in effect already and its spreading.
$1100 per year to re register your truck.
No cash bail for felons.
50 AMP plugs to be retro actively installed in homes to charge mandatory electric cars.
You think you have a high elect bill wait until you start charging a car on 50 AMP at Tier 3 rates.
Wife has in overtime on her paycheck and half was taken in Income tax, the other half just paid half the astronomical property tax on our home. $1400 on that tax bill was for our local schools that our kids can't attend because of violent migrant kids. Same for our local hospital and judicial system. Both those taxes appear on the bill too.

We pay for our groceries and those ahead of us in line groceries are free with their EBT cards.

All the political cancers above haven't afflicted most you yet,, but they will soon enough.
The list is endless.
Margret Thatcher said it best: "Something for nothing to someone leaves another hard working someone with nothing for something."
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