Trumps history

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The one thing that the last few months has achieved is that it has brought the far right agitators and neo-nazi leaders out into the open. They truly believed this was their moment so broke cover. Now the FBI and law enforcement can break up their networks and remove their influence. *For a while at least, the serpent will grow another head eventually.
They were just a tiny rag tag splinter group of idiots.
Far right groups in the US are much better organized, many times larger, smarter and very well equipped.
They were just a tiny rag tag splinter group of idiots.
Far right groups in the US are much better organized, many times larger, smarter and very well equipped.
Very true.

Like them or not, arguably the IRA or "RA" had limited resources, relatively small amount of activists but extremely effective. They fought smart with perseverance.
You can imagine in the US a much larger group, spread over vast areas with unlimited resources. They'll fight smart and be extremely effective with perseverance too.

The AF veteran girl that was killed at the capitol is already a martyr in their eyes and to them a modern day John Brown.

John Brown was also considered a whack-o, screwball, nutcase idiot but by the second year of the Civil War the Union troops were singing "John Browns Body" as they marched according to accounts in civilian's diaries.

Biden was always considered an over ambitious, plagiarizing, underachiever in congress and I expect the next 4 years to be a quiet 4 years of him being the same.

Bring our troops home.
I digress from any more political discussion.
I'm defaulting back to being a one-trick-pony, low rank amateur cook here to learn.
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I'm relieved to hear that the Michigan National Guard has been activated. I don't expect a presence nearly as formidable as D.C., but Michigan does have over 10,000 total Guard troops at their disposal. The general in charge of the guard made a point of not announcing how many would be activated, but they will be better prepared to keep things from getting out of hand.

There are also defensive measures being set up, such as fencing to surround the capitol building:


Our taxpayer dollars hard at work: thank you, Donald Trump!
I'm relieved to hear that the Michigan National Guard has been activated. I don't expect a presence nearly as formidable as D.C., but Michigan does have over 10,000 total Guard troops at their disposal. The general in charge of the guard made a point of not announcing how many would be activated, but they will be better prepared to keep things from getting out of hand.

There are also defensive measures being set up, such as fencing to surround the capitol building:

View attachment 55040

Our taxpayer dollars hard at work: thank you, Donald Trump!
I'm glad your Governor is on the ball. Ours has activated only 250 National Guards. I hope that's enough. I still worry that troublemakers are going to target places other than the state Capitols since we're ramping up for that.

To think, all Trump had to do was concede and ask his supporters to stand in unison to move the country forward. Clearly, concession is more than just a platitude. It breaks my hearts things have come to this.

ETA: Photo (boarding up windows in anticipation)...

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Sadly, my mother is exactly like Trump. She can manipulate people into doing all kinds of things (which is why she hates me so much. I know the real person so I am not part of her cult). You wouldn't believe the things I've experienced from her cultists. And, the scariest part, is like Trump, she despises the very people that worship her.

I took a course on "History of the Holocaust" in college and it really gave me a glimpse into the dark side. I didn't understand then (and still don't understand now) how so many people could just overlook the reality of what was happening in front of their eyes. It's just blows my mind.

I really hope the spell is broken at some point but I get the feeling Trump is going to continue to "burn down the house" for the rest of his natural born life and there will be hundreds of thousands of people willing to fight his (imaginary) "fight".

I watched a program on tv the other day, the nazis had welcoming bands playing for the new Jews to be gassed as they arrived, giving them a false sense of security. The band were Jews as well that were spared to help the cause. Sickened me to know they did this shit.

Did anybody catch the news blurb about the "My Pillow" guy showing up at the White House to meet with the orange one? Somebody apparently got a glimpse of his notes for their discussion, and martial law was 1 of the topics. The "My Pillow" guy is a long term supporter and apparently advisor for the orange one.

I missed that. CNN not on ATM, we are watching antiques roadshow ATM.

Did anybody catch the news blurb about the "My Pillow" guy showing up at the White House to meet with the orange one? Somebody apparently got a glimpse of his notes for their discussion, and martial law was 1 of the topics. The "My Pillow" guy is a long term supporter and apparently advisor for the orange one.
I saw that. 3-1/2 years ago, I'd have said, "WTF?"

Now, though, it's just, "Infomercial guy setting domestic policy for US? Not surprised."
Did anybody catch the news blurb about the "My Pillow" guy showing up at the White House to meet with the orange one? Somebody apparently got a glimpse of his notes for their discussion, and martial law was 1 of the topics. The "My Pillow" guy is a long term supporter and apparently advisor for the orange one.

I saw something, but didn't know the story. On my dad's recommendation, I bought a couple of those pillows long before I knew the founder/CEO was a nut job. The pillows are okay, not as great as they are made out to be, but okay. If I had known the guy hawking them was a cult member, I wouldn't have bought them.

Here's an excerpt about the Trumps snubbing the Bidens.

(CNN)On the morning of January 20, Donald Trump and Melania Trump will depart the White House as President and first lady, but they will not invite their incoming counterparts, Joe and Jill Biden, inside before they do.

The dissolving of one of America's most enduring transfer-of-power rituals -- the outgoing president welcoming the incoming president on the steps of the North Portico, and then riding with them to the United States Capitol -- is just one of the snubs the Trumps are perpetrating as they leave Washington.

Trumps' snub of Bidens historic in its magnitude
Hes become the incredible sulk.
Just watching the lights turn on with CNN.

During the 2016 campaign, both he and Hillary Clinton were asked if they would concede the election if it was clear that they had lost. Clinton immediately said that she would, and she was true to her word. Trump dodged the question.

He’s always been a sore loser. In the absence of any real chance of winning, he’s pretending he really won. So, he’s leveraging the emotions (and the lives) of his gullible followers.

Joseph Goebbels once said that if you keep repeating a big lie, it becomes the truth. Is anyone surprised he’s taking another page from the Nazi playbook?
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During the 2016 campaign, both he and Hillary Clinton were asked if they would concede the election if it clear that they had lost. Clinton immediately said that she would, and she was true to her word. Trump dodged the question.

He’s always been a sore loser. In the absence of any real chance of winning, he’s pretending he really won. So, he’s leveraging the emotions (and the lives) of his gullible followers.

Joseph Goebbels once said that if you keep repeating a big lie, it becomes the truth. Is anyone surprised he’s taking another page from the Nazi playbook?

Well, except he doesn't read books.

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