What did you cook or eat today (January 2021)?

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I use Great Northern or Cannellini beans. I put celery in my ham and bean soup because I like celery. No carrots because I hate carrots. I don't use a recipe -- no surprise, eh?

I have a big ham bone from my parent's Christmas dinner in the freezer. I spent Christmas in bed, somewhat stoned on pain meds, for the most part, but my sister kept the ham bone, with some meat on it, in her deep freezer for me. That will soon become the base of a batch of ham and bean soup.

Yeah, I don't use a recipe either. I don't even measure the amount of beans. I hate carrots unless they are finely chopped in soup (and not all soup). I am less of a fan of celery, though it's fine in chicken soup (for me). For some reason the idea of beans and celery in the same pot is odd. That's just me.
Yeah, I don't use a recipe either. I don't even measure the amount of beans. I hate carrots unless they are finely chopped in soup (and not all soup). I am less of a fan of celery, though it's fine in chicken soup (for me). For some reason the idea of beans and celery in the same pot is odd. That's just me.
I make chili with celery and beans (and other stuff, of course). I can't think of any other bean in which I add celery though. Don't know why, but I don't dislike it so it's not a big deal.
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Celery brings a nice twist to many different dishes. Raw it's barely edible with cottage cheese for me
Stay healthy
I use onion, carrot and celery as a base for most soups and slow cooked dishes but raw celery? I would rather walk around Baghdad with a six inch nail in my foot....
You need to know this about celery...

Celery brings a nice twist to many different dishes. Raw it's barely edible with cottage cheese for me
Stay healthy
Can you believe some people put peanut butter on celery and eat that as a snack? Oh, and my husband said his mom used to put cream cheese and raisins on it for him and his brother as a snack. She called it "ants on a log". Sounds yucky to me.
Can you believe some people put peanut butter on celery and eat that as a snack? Oh, and my husband said his mom used to put cream cheese and raisins on it for him and his brother as a snack. She called it "ants on a log". Sounds yucky to me.

Yes. I've had it with PB and also cream cheese. I introduced veggies to my kids in utero and made all their baby food from scratch using organic fruits and vegetables. We all like celery so it's not weird to us. ;-)
Yes. I've had it with PB and also cream cheese. I introduced veggies to my kids in utero and made all their baby food from scratch using organic fruits and vegetables. We all like celery so it's not weird to us. ;-)
I used to put out raw baby carrots, fresh raw broccoli, and cauliflower on a tray with a small bowl of ranch dressing for dipping right before the kids came home from school. I would set it out on the counter, and after they came home, it would be gone within an hour. When I first moved up here and joined my ready made family, hubby was buying chips and not so healthy snacks for them. He would buy the raw vegetables and keep them in the frig. I explained to him that they would go through some trouble to pull potato chips out of a cabinet, but raw vegetables would likely stay in the refrigerator crisper drawer and rot if someone didn't put it out for them to nibble on. Worked like a charm.

I am sorry for the hijacking of this thread. I will take photos of my chili later.
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