What did you cook or eat today (January 2021)?

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Mr8 here for a while, I cooked him (warmed up in microwave) nachos his fave dish. I froze leftovers from his birthday choice. With sour cream. Enough for me as well. Wife had toast with cheese n Vegemite.
We will drop,him off in a few hours.

Nearly back to normal. Last night dinner was meat loaf, mash with left over sprouts mashed in and lashing of left over turkey gravy mixed with meat loaf juices. Pud was a left over piece of the christmas pud with cold plum brandy sauce. Yesterday afternoon we had a nice surprise. Mladen went up to his house in the mountains and brought back one of his pigs. The back legs are air drying up there for the next 12 month. He gave us a bag containing various smoked bits like ribs and sausage. Half a of one of the beauties is chugging away in the slow cooker for backed beans tonight.
Today was a lovely courgette soup made with a vegan herbs and garlic cream cheese hubby accidentally purchased (it was meant to be plain destined for a cheese cake but the garlic and chives bit stopped those pans). Usually i just make the cream cheese myself. The original recipe uses the 'green' boursin rather than the black version with peppercorns overt and in it (yeah he's bought that one in the distant past as well - didn't work) which is then dissolved into the soup. I just make a thinner soured garlic and herbs cashew cream thay gets added instead so this was a bit of an experiment. The courgettes are straight from the veg plot. They are going to be a dominating theme over the next few months now that they have started to fruit.

And then there was the last of the pavlova, served with the last of the frozen cherries, raspberries and fresh pomegranate (a seriously good one) and the cashew & coconut cream (thin version this time round)

(If you want to see what a bowl of green soup looks like, I'll add that one tomorrow :wink: )
I like to mix my sauerkraut with my mashed potatoes. Would that qualify as a version of colcannon?


Any kind of cabbage mixed with potatoes would qualify, I do think. Though an Irishman would probably draw the line at sauerkraut. But it's a Dutch thing to eat mash with sauerkraut mixed in, so why not?
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