What did you cook or eat today (May 2021)?

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How about Goan tu khazi in a hurry curry by Time n Space
At first I thought it is a total nonexistent language title, but seems khazi is...toilet in a Uk slang...did you have the chickpeas and its possible digestion consequences in mind or?🤓

It is individual, I assume. So far kid and I take chickpeas all right. But yes, I do understand that beans and grains can cause bloating...is that what is called?


Anyways, I am educated and set for Liverpool😂, it says here used in Liverpool, Excuse me, where is the nearest Khazi?
Oh joy, my language skills expand, - toilet, latrine, closet, bish, john, stool, cr..pper, great white porcelain god, head, tank, bowl, loo, sh...tter, - and now, khazi.

How do you spell relief?
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