What's the best cut of meat?

I prefer my steaks with non starchy veggies. But if I do decide on potato - I like 'em mashed! With butter.
Tonight we are having filet mignon with salad, no starch. I don't always like a starch with meat. Last night we had lamb chops with loaded twice baked mashed potatoes.
I'll sear the cubed beef quickly then part cook by simmering in gravy (in this case OXO) with fried onions for about 60 minutes. Then freeze it in portions.

After defrosting, I add diced carrots and simmer for 30 minutes then cubed potatoes and simmer for a further 30 minutes (or until cooked through).

If the weather is really cold (<15°C) I may add suet dumplings.

I'm sure it was quite tender by the time you got through cooking it down!
My favorite steak is ribeye but I have a favorite part of the ribeye too, it's kind of like on the outer Edge, it's hard to describe.

In Zurich the butcher calls it the butcher's secret I don't know what you call in America
My favorite steak is ribeye but I have a favorite part of the ribeye too, it's kind of like on the outer Edge, it's hard to describe.

In Zurich the butcher calls it the butcher's secret I don't know what you call in America

That part that wraps around the the main "hub" of the ribeye is called the ribeye cap.

When I can get really big ribeye steaks, I will divide them into two smaller steaks. The ribeye cap practically peels off, and you can roll it up and tie it off with some butcher's twine.

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That part that wraps around the the main "hub" of the ribeye is called the ribeye cap.

When I can get really big ribeye steaks, I will divide them into two smaller steaks. The ribeye cap practically peels off, and you can roll it up and tie it off with some butcher's twine.

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Yo bro, thanks for sharing the knowledge.
hanger.... I hanger steak is freakishly tender. has a big beefy flavor and appears to be less fatty than I imagine the mighty ribeye steak (I'd guess this is the favorite cut amongst the population - at least in my circles)

I used a hanger to do a Thai dish called Crying Tiger. unbelievable.

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