
  1. The Late Night Gourmet

    Recipe Hamburger Pie

    Not a great picture of the finished product, but my family loved it so much that there was only a tiny piece left. We're in a "I'm tired of hamburgers" phase lately, but that doesn't mean the ground beef should go in the freezer until that changes. The fact is, I am not part of the "we", so I...
  2. ElizabethB

    Recipe Meatloaf with Ketchup, Mustard, Honey Glaze

    I forgot. I said that I never used Ketchup as an ingredient . I forgot about meatloaf. George is at the Toledo Bend camp. I started to wait for him to come home before making meatloaf. I decided to make it now because I am hungry and need something for dinner and leftover meatloaf is better...
  3. kaneohegirlinaz

    Recipe Hawaii-Style Macaroni Salad

    Hawaii-Style Macaroni Salad 4-6 servings Ingredients: 1/2 C. Best Foods Mayonnaise (or Hellmann’s if you’re in the East, no substitution in Hawaii!) Scant 1 tsp. prepared Mustard (I used Dijon ’cause that’s what I had in the ‘fridge) 1 Tbsp. White Onion, finely grated, juice and pulp (I used a...
  4. Morning Glory

    Favourite mustard?

    Do you have a special favourite mustard? Or maybe you just love them all. Tell us what 'cuts the mustard' for you!
  5. karadekoolaid

    Recipe Sausage Sarnie

    Ingredients: 2 thick slices of white bread Butter Mustard 2 large or 6 small sausages Ketchup (optional) Method: Slather each slice of bread with as much butter as you can manage Fry the sausages (preferably in lard) until browned. Remove and slice in half, lengthwise Fry the sauages again...
  6. karadekoolaid

    Recipe Welsh Rarebit

    Ingredients: One lump butter One tablespoon flour salt & pepper 2 tsps mustard powder (or prepared mustard) approx. 1 cupful grated strong Cheddar cheese About a cup of beer (I used a Golden Ale; stout or porter are even better) A dash or two of Worcestershire Sauce Cayenne pepper to taste 2...
  7. A

    Accessing the flavour of mustard seeds

    I'm incorporating mustard seeds when I make porridge (boil in milk for 5 minutes) and buckwheat (boil in water for 20 minutes). I've tried grinding them then soaking in cold water before adding to the porridge and simply add the ground seeds to the buckwheat. In all cases I get no taste from...
  8. Horseradish Mustard

    Horseradish Mustard

    Horseradish Mustard
  9. Spicy Brown Mustard

    Spicy Brown Mustard

    Spicy Brown Mustard
  10. TastyReuben

    Recipe Honey-Mustard Salad Dressing

    HONEY-MUSTARD SALAD DRESSING Makes 2 cups Ingredients 1 cup mayonnaise 1/2 cup vinegar 1 tsp prepared mustard 1/2 cup honey 1 tsp sugar 1 tsp finely chopped onion 1 tsp minced fresh parsley 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp black pepper 1/2 cup vegetable oil Directions In a small bowl, combine the...
  11. Burt Blank

    Recipe Wild Mushrooms in a mustard and cream sauce inside a puff pastry pillow.

    Slice mushrooms and fry in butter, add flour and cook through gently. Pour in enough single cream to make it gloopy. Add mustard and season to taste. Bake the puff pillows. Split and stuff. These pics were taken in the house in Dade Florida. I bought the mush from Wholefoods.
  12. rascal

    Corned beef n carrots with mustard sauce.

    Old favourite here, freezer diving and come across a nice piece, daughter spotted it, make corned beef n carrots dad! This is kiwi version, but I think it's pretty much UK version. Usually done in winter but it's Autumn so I'm going it. Crock pot and on slow for 5 hrs. Carrots added to pot with...
  13. Mountain Cat

    Recipe Sous Vide Beef Bottom Round Steak (& Tangy Gravy Sauce)

    If you don't have a sous vide, or you want to use the gravy/sauce for another dish - read down for that. The gravy stands on its own! Just use beef broth rather than the drippings from the bag. (Homemade will always have more flavor and substance, but do as you can.) PS: if anyone knows what...
  14. Morning Glory

    Recipe Clams & Mussels Dijonnaise

    Fresh clams are a delight. I bought these from The Goods Shed - an indoor market in Canterbury which has a very good fish stall. To make them go further I added some mussels. This cooks in no time at all and makes a great light lunch with some crusty bread to mop up the juices. Ingredients...
  15. medtran49

    Recipe Chinese hot mustard with a twist!

    This was blisteringly, slap you up side of your head, sinus clearing when I first made it. After a couple of hours, it calmed down to where it was still spicy, but you could also taste the mustard instead of getting just heat. It's a very small batch as I wanted to try the twist, which is the...
  16. medtran49

    Recipe Blackberry mustard

    We used this on grilled ham and fontina cheese sandwiches, but it would also be great with poultry or pork chops/loin/tenderloin. 1 cup fresh blackberries 1/8 cup finely diced sweet onion or shallot 1/4 cup Dijon mustard (recipe below if you want to make your own or use purchased) 1-1/2 Tbsp...
  17. CraigC

    Recipe Peach Mustard BBQ Sauce

    Ingredients 3 Tablespoons unsalted butter 2 Tablespoons minced onion 2 cloves garlic, minced 3 Tablespoons cider vinegar 1/2 cup whole-grain mustard 1/4 cup Dijon mustard 1 cup peach jam or preserves 3 Tablespoons bourbon 1 teaspoon cornstarch 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt Directions In a saucepan...
  18. Morning Glory

    Recipe Cheese, Mustard & Anchovy Pull Apart Bread

    I’d been meaning to try this technique for making pull apart bread for a while now but have been pondering what kind of filling to use. The CookingBites Recipe Challenge: Mustard offered the perfect opportunity to experiment. I used a method (but not the recipe) described here. It was far...
  19. The Late Night Gourmet

    Recipe Mustard Glazed Grilled Chicken Breast

    Yes, this one is very simple, but I love the way it turned out. Ingredients 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 4 chicken breasts, trimmed of skin and fat Directions 1. Whisk together Worcestershire sauce, oil, and, mustard. 2. Place...
  20. Morning Glory

    Recipe Mustard Kale, Mushrooms & Crispy Bacon with Dijon Mustard Sauce

    I discovered mustard kale at Ocado, the on-line supermarket I use. Never having tried it before I was intrigued. I’m not a particular fan of kale but I liked the slightly bitter flavour of this one. It did take a lot of cooking though, as the leaves are quite fibrous. You could substitute...
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