
Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
4:05 PM
SE Australia
Chickpea Salad
This is a rich and powerful salad which can form the main course of a cold summer lunch. It is also best made the previous day and allowed to mature. Plus it is best made with freshly cooked (slightly overdone) chickpeas. Tinned just don't it any justice. Cook the chickpeas in loads of crushed garlic, roughly 8-10 cloves and slightly overcook them so they are soft. Soak them overnight and then cook them with the garlic in a pressure cooker for 20-25 minutes on maximum pressure.

2lb of chickpeas (cooked weight)
1 onion, finely diced
2 spring onions, chopped
1 oz of parsley, finely chopped
1 oz of coriander, finely chopped
1 tbsp paprika
1-2 tbsp freshly ground cumin
4-6 cloves garlic, finely chopped
Juice of half a lemon
8 fl oz olive oil
2 tbsp tamari
1 lb (baby) spinach
Salt and freshly ground pepper

For the sauce: 1 pint plain or Greek yogurt, 1 oz coriander, chopped and 1 clove garlic, finely chopped.

Mix all ingredients except the spinach, 2 tbsp of the olive oil, and 1 tbsp of the tamari together and allow to marinate for several hours. The salad should look rich and red, the olive oil brilliant with paprika. At the last moment, toss the baby spinach with the reserved oil and tamari, as well as a few squeezes of lemon juice, in another bowl. Mix the sauce ingredients together.
Heap the spinach loosely onto a plate and spoon the chickpea salad on top with the yoghurt sauce served separately.

I prefer to double the spices in the recipe and add ground coriander as well. I always add more garlic than a recipe states. We also find that wilting the spinach a touch adds a nice change. This is a rich recipe and it is exceptionally filling. It is a case of a little (which it is not) goes a long way and it also benefits from standing overnight - just do the spanich or any leaves for that matter, fresh each time.
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I like chic peas in salads,great for soups great combo putting Cumin with them,I make a lot of humous flavour the paste with beet root and scotch bonnets
Over the years I have cut back on the amount of oil used in this recipe quite successfully. I now only use half of the oil, and roughly double the freshly ground cumin. I sometimes add freshly ground coriander to the mix as well, but the recipe had plenty of fresh coriander leaves in it to not always need this. You should have a lovely rich red and spicy oil mixture to mix into the chickpeas and onions.
The tamari soy sauce is essential to the flavour with the spinach and adds an extra layer of flavour.
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