Recipe Chocolate Olive Oil Cake (Wheat free & Dairy free)


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
2:59 PM
SE Australia
Whilst looking for recipes in came across an interesting recipe for an alternate chocolate cake recipe made with olive oil and ground almonds. The recipe is both wheat free and dairy free, with the latter being of particular interest to me. I am also guessing that it would not be that difficult to make it completely gluten free as well.

  • 150ml/5fl oz regular olive oil, plus extra for greasing
  • 50g/2oz cocoa powder, sifted
  • 125ml/4fl oz boiling water
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 150g/5½oz ground almonds or 125g/4½oz plain flour
  • ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • pinch salt
  • 200g/7oz caster sugar
  • 3 free-range eggs

Preparation method
  • Preheat the oven to 170C/325F/Gas 3. Grease a 23cm/9in springform cake tin with a little oil and line the base with baking parchment.
  • Measure and sift the cocoa powder into a bowl or jug and whisk in the boiling water until you have a smooth, chocolatey, still runny (but only just) paste. Whisk in the vanilla extract, then set aside to cool a little.
  • In another smallish bowl, combine the ground almonds (or flour) with the bicarbonate of soda and a pinch of salt.
  • Put the sugar, olive oil and eggs into the bowl of a freestanding mixer with the paddle attachment (or other bowl and whisk arrangement of your choice) and beat together vigorously for about three minutes until you have a pale-primrose, aerated and thickened cream.
  • Turn the speed down a little and pour in the cocoa mixture, beating as you go, and when all is scraped in you can slowly tip in the ground almonds (or flour) mixture.
  • Scrape down and stir a little with a spatula, then pour this dark, liquid batter into the prepared tin. Bake for 40-45 minutes or until the sides are set and the very centre, on top, still looks slightly damp. A cake tester should come up mainly clean but with a few sticky chocolate crumbs clinging to it.
  • Let it cool for 10 minutes on a wire rack, still in its tin, and then ease the sides of the cake with a small metal spatula and spring it out of the tin. Leave to cool completely or eat while still warm with some ice cream, as a pudding
This looks delicious. I think I've tried a similar recipe and it was okay but slightly dry. I am wheat free but not dairy free, so I would probably add some butter. Have you tried this recipe?
Nope, I'm bed bound at the moment and have been for the last 5 weeks. Got an op next week and then a long recovery mostly bed bound as well... It will be a while before I am back in the kitchen but I might get my oh to try baking it but he doesn't have a feel for home things are going and can't adapt things, so it would be a straight recipe copy... :whistling: still worth a try
Oh thats too bad.My SO is a great cook but not such a good baker either. I hope you have lots of stuff to entertain you while your bed bound, 5 weeks is a long time.Best wishes for your operation, I'll send you some virtual gluten/dairy free chocolate cake as a get well gift!
My husband made this today and despite using extra virgin olive oil :o_o: and us only having some ground almonds and him not grinding any more and using flour for the remainder, it is really nice and moist and worth making again. It feel it would benefit from some proper deal chocolate melting into it before cooking but that can be said (and I do say) about all chocolate cake made with cocoa powder only! 8/10 just don't tell him I rated his effort! :laugh:
Haha, I won't say a word. It's good to know that it came out moist though. I'll add it to my list of recipes to try! And I agree, anything chocolate can always benefit from more chocolate! I feel like this could make a nice Christmas cake with the addition of some orange essence or zest.
This kind of reminds me of a recipe for sugar cookies. It called for vegetable oil in place of butter. What I remember about those cookies is that they were delicious and very moist. I'm guessing that this chocolate cake will be moist as well.
It had been devoured without trace... :D
:) I know about that devouring without a trace. Anyway, I baked a chocolate cake straight from a box yesterday. My son was calling for one for a while now. It was nice and moist but unfortunately he has some inflammatory/ stomach issues and I think it might not be the best thing for him right now.

Your recipe seems like a better choice and since I am bent on trying more things from scratch, I am going to consider trying this. I just want it to be nice and moist. A dry chocolate cake just isn't the same great taste.

On another note, I hope you are resting comfortably and recovering well.
Not the best photo because I put way to much soya cream on it, but it was delicious.

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