CookingBites Recipe Challenge: Parsley

Here I am finally, sorry again for being late!

First of all, I want to thank all those of you who participated in this challenge, I was really pleased to see the interest and commitment of each of you. I can really say that Parsley has been very well served by Cookingbiters!

However, as we know, the winner must be one, and my choice is:
Persian Herb, Bean and Wheat Stew (Ash-e-Sholeh-Ghalamkar) by @SatNavSaysStraightOn :thumbsup:
A triumph of aromatic herbs and spices, legumes and that final pinch of saffron have conquered me. I definitely want to try it!

Thank you. That caught me totally off guard.

As always I think I'll challenge everyone with my choice but I think I'll go with miso. I currently have no less than 4 types of it in my fridge with it featuring in my patés and non dairy cheese sauces. I've always loved the selection that one American producer and reseller had on their site though ironically they have literally just stopped shipping for the season (again) with out being a seasonal produce there ( I came across them years ago looking for chickpea miso to go on my sweet miso kale crisps. I finally managed to locate some in the UK though. Curiously though I've never had it in Japanese cooking, so think outside of the box.

So any kind (chickpea, soya bean etc) of miso in any form (sweet, savory, dark, light etc) with the usual 3 weeks (Saturday 22nd June 12pm BST) subject to availability for everyone.
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