Do you have weird dreams?

All right, get ready to call my psychiatrist:

I dreamed last night that I was in a small shop, just all sorts of miscellaneous stuff, and it went on for several rooms, like a house that had been turned into a shop.

The shop owner was a comely young woman, completely nude, but covered from the shoulders down in a thin, dark layer of body hair. She was still obviously nude, but covered in hair, and other than that, nothing non-human about her, like she didn't have a werewolf face or anything. Just your average naked woman covered in hair. :)

Among the stuff in the front room was a big plastic bin full of pills, and a scoop and a bag, and I don't know what they were exactly, but in the dream, they were definitely high-powered, illicit drugs. There were also socks and kitchen utensils, gum, etc for sale.

A baby was in the bin of the pills, eating them. Now, I don't have much paternal instinct, but even I know pills aren't for babies, so I reached in, grabbed the baby, pulled it out, and set off looking for its mother.

I found a young woman (fully clothed) with an empty stroller, looking at sundresses, and I said, "HEY! Is this your baby?! It's eating pills like candy!"

She sort of half-looked at me, and said, "Yeah, it's mine," like she couldn't be bothered with it, and went back to holding up dresses in the mirror.

I tossed the baby at her and shouted, "Well, you better do something, it's still got pills in its mouth!"

She caught it, kind of rolled her eyes, mumbled something like, "Yeah, whatever...," and set the baby on a high-up shelf, then turned her stroller around and walked into the next room.

And that's all I remember.

This is now serious - you have to go back and rescue that baby.
Last night's trip into Dreamtown:

I was at work, my current job, at my office, more or less. The big deal was that we were having some kind of celebratory event in the hotel downstairs (for the record, my office building doesn't have a hotel downstairs IRL).

Came time to go downstairs for the festivities, and I kept getting delayed by one thing or another, until I was the only left upstairs. Finally, I made my way down.

When I got there, I wasn't surprised to see that all the bar snacks and appetizers had been picked over, and everything looked like it was being shut down, bartenders wiping things down, staff picking up empty trays.

I was just about to get something from the slim pickings, when a particularly abrasive manager from a far corner shouted, "Reuben! Get me a glass of Vail! With plenty of ice and cream!"

In my dream, "Vail" appeared to just be some generic style of white wine. I went around the bar, turning bottles, looking for a bottle of Vail, looking, looking, and the bartender finally told me they were most likely out, as everybody was drinking Vail-and-cream, but good luck.

I finally found a bottle and poured it in a wine glass, added some ice, and went looking for the cream, and the only cream-like substance I could find were those little Mini Moo creamers you get in diners.

I sat there, opening what seemed like hundreds of these little containers to put into the drink, and the whole time, she was screaming from the far side of the room for her drink.

I finally took it over to her, she tasted it and said it wasn't very "fresh," and I'd just started to reply, and that's when I woke up.

:eek: TastyReuben, you precognitive prophet. It was my lingonberry kissel in vail...veil... whatever, with cream - dated three hours after I had forgotten the photo shoot serving on our living room table.
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Doesn't happen so often now but my dreams used to have themes. I had many dreams where I was being chased, other phase I'd be dreaming about murders, and had another phase where I kept dreaming I was pregnant. Lucky for me I don't have premonitory dreams :D But I do sometimes mistake my dreams with reality. Like I think something really happened but the event didn't happen I dreamed it. Nowadays I recognize it better because the memory is fuzzy, I don't clearly remember the place or the people who were with me or what people were wearing or what they said.
I wish dreaming worked the way it did on TV shows I watched when I was young. For example, on Gilligan's Island, they'd have Gilligan thinking about something as he drifted off to sleep, and invariably he'd dream about that.

I have never had an experience like that. My dreams are always completely out of nowhere. You'd think, if I had a lot of anxiety about something, that I'd have bad dreams (even if they aren't literally about that). But, no.

Every so often, I dream about being in a city that I've never visited. Then, sometimes, I have a sense of deja vu when I'm in a new city. I like to think that my dreams are predicting the future in this case. But, sometimes the dreams are weird enough that I hope they AREN'T what's in my future.
I used to think deja vus were related to our dreams but now I don't believe so. I get them a lot, and found them somewhat disturbing as a child, but they are so frequently I don't mind them too much nowadays.
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Credits: Charlie Hankin

I do.
Flying dreams are the best. Dream interpreters say that this usually signifies a sense of freedom, whether it's freedom from the pressures of life, or just a sense of unlimited possibilities. Either way, it's a good thing if you can control where you fly. But, I have heard that sometimes flying carries a sense of dread, like you're floating away, since it's a feeling of instability. I haven't felt that in a dream, fortunately. What a horrible waste of a flying dream!
Flying dreams are the best. Dream interpreters say that this usually signifies a sense of freedom, whether it's freedom from the pressures of life, or just a sense of unlimited possibilities. Either way, it's a good thing if you can control where you fly. But, I have heard that sometimes flying carries a sense of dread, like you're floating away, since it's a feeling of instability. I haven't felt that in a dream, fortunately. What a horrible waste of a flying dream!
Dream interpretation is something fascinating. I find that the metaphorical interpretations are always wrong, but the psychological ones tend to held true. I had the chasing and the murder dreams at a time when I was feeling more troubled and the pregnancy dreams where I was thinking a lot about getting married.
By the way I don't know if this happens with others but my dreams sometimes feel very strong and kind of have an impact on my life. Like if I dream with someone I will feel very close to them, or afraid of them if it was a nightmare. Just this week I had a bad nightmare with a dancer who I admire and follow on social media. After the dream, every time I saw her posts I felt very uneasy and ended up unfollowing her.
Doesn't happen so often now but my dreams used to have themes. I had many dreams where I was being chased, other phase I'd be dreaming about murders, and had another phase where I kept dreaming I was pregnant. Lucky for me I don't have premonitory dreams :D But I do sometimes mistake my dreams with reality. Like I think something really happened but the event didn't happen I dreamed it. Nowadays I recognize it better because the memory is fuzzy, I don't clearly remember the place or the people who were with me or what people were wearing or what they said.

Every once in a great while, I have a dream so vivid, and so realistic, that it becomes a "memory." Years later, I will remember it as if it really happened, and then realize, "Wait, that was just a dream... or was it?" :scratchhead:

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