How is the corona virus affecting you?

Yes, but those with delivery slots will not be in the supermarket, so making it safer for you.
A valid point in general, but not relevant to my circumstances. We have no supermarket in our town, just a small Co-op with very narrow aisles and little space around the till area. It's almost impossible to remain at anything like two metres from the nearest person.
My sense of taste is dulled, but then that is normally the case for any cold or virus. I'm not sure it is a reliable indicator though.

Agreed. If your nose is stuffed up with any cold or allergy or anything else - just from physical factors you can't smell things as well. AND the sense of smell definitely affects the sense of taste.
Hey All
I have not visited since this thread was started. Last night and today I read all of the posts.
I found the change in the tone of the posts very interesting. From a mild concern to a quiet anxiety to fear when some of you or your loved ones have become I'll. I am so impressed by all of you
There is anxiety and fear but no panic. A steadfast attitude that we will get through this.
All of you take your right hand, reach over your left shoulder and pat yourself on the back. I wish the media would be as intelligent and same as all of you.
To those of you who are sick or have sick loved ones- my thoughts and prayers are with you all.
You are all the finest group of people
I am proud to think of you as friends
Is Trump really suggesting that he is willing to sacrifice the lives of tens of thousands of Americans to protect the stock market and his own wealth?????

I always thought our Boris was a dangerous clown, but he has stepped up and is acting like a proper leader, allowing fellow Ministers to do their job, and listening to and acting on the advice of experts.

Trump doesn't listen to his advisors, except the ones who agree with him. He thinks himself smarter they they are.

Agreed. If your nose is stuffed up with any cold or allergy or anything else - just from physical factors you can't smell things as well. AND the sense of smell definitely affects the sense of taste.

My sense of taste is dulled, but then that is normally the case for any cold or virus. I'm not sure it is a reliable indicator though.

They are seeing increased incidences where there are NO OTHER symptoms though, as well as with symptoms.

AAO-HNS: Anosmia, Hyposmia, and Dysgeusia Symptoms of Coronavirus Disease

Excerpt from article:

...Anosmia, hyposmia, and dysgeusia in the absence of other respiratory disease such as allergic rhinitis, acute rhinosinusitis, or chronic rhinosinusitis should alert physicians to the possibility of COVID-19 infection...

The link to the UK article is on the same page.

Excerpt from the UK paper:

...In addition, there have been a rapidly growing number of reports of a significant increase in the number of patients presenting with anosmia in the absence of other symptoms – this has been widely shared on medical discussion boards by surgeons from all regions managing a high incidence of cases...
They are seeing increased incidences where there are NO OTHER symptoms though, as well as with symptoms.

AAO-HNS: Anosmia, Hyposmia, and Dysgeusia Symptoms of Coronavirus Disease

Excerpt from article:

...Anosmia, hyposmia, and dysgeusia in the absence of other respiratory disease such as allergic rhinitis, acute rhinosinusitis, or chronic rhinosinusitis should alert physicians to the possibility of COVID-19 infection...

The link to the UK article is on the same page.

Excerpt from the UK paper:

...In addition, there have been a rapidly growing number of reports of a significant increase in the number of patients presenting with anosmia in the absence of other symptoms – this has been widely shared on medical discussion boards by surgeons from all regions managing a high incidence of cases...

I will keep this in mind. And thus I am happy to note that my dinner had a great aroma...
Well I just posted my husband had recovered yesterday, apparently not. He's had a major headache, felt sick and had trouble eating, and was suddenly coughing violently again. Going tomorrow we'll both have been ill for two weeks.
I had serious muscle cramps again too. This is not a regular cold, that's for sure.
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