How is the corona virus affecting you?

My daughters dog is the worst, she got him down and he panics when he sees the cutters, didn't help she cut a bit much off. He's been hanging out with me since then. She used to take him to,the vet to cut them, but when he realised where he was he used to pee on the floor. He needs running on concrete.


Unless he's a pug, you've never seen the worst. They fight like the devil and often try to bite. Of the 6 pugs we've had, all were horrible but 1 and she was scared of her own shadow so all I had to do to get her to behave was raise my voice and raise my hand like I was going to swat her and she'd settle down for a paw or 2, rinse and repeat. The black pug boy we have now is the worst of the bunch though. He fights like a tazmanian devil and has to be wrapped in a towel for craig to hold him without getting scratched the he!! out of while i cut, or I have to put him in a scissor lock, crossed ankles hold if I do it myself, and he tries to/does bite the whole time.

I don't ask the vet to cut them anymore unless they are asleep for some kind of procedure.
So far wifes hospital not hit bad at all. So far.

She is in the front line I think? My respect to her. In the UK we have all been doing a Thursday night National 'stand outside our houses' and clap the National Health Service workers and all the other key workers in supermarkets, food delivery, the police etc. who are keepi ng things going. I'm not an emotional person. but it brought tears to my eyes last night to see and hear all my neighbours cheering and clapping (I was banging a saucepan with a spoon).
The black pug boy we have now is the worst of the bunch though. He fights like a tazmanian devil and has to be wrapped in a towel for craig to hold him without getting scratched the he!! out of while i cut, or I have to put him in a scissor lock, crossed ankles hold if I do it myself, and he tries to/does bite the whole time.

Oh my! Sounds like pugs are not the best choice of dog unless you know what you are doing. Good luck The Late Night Gourmet ! :D
Unless he's a pug, you've never seen the worst. They fight like the devil and often try to bite. Of the 6 pugs we've had, all were horrible but 1 and she was scared of her own shadow so all I had to do to get her to behave was raise my voice and raise my hand like I was going to swat her and she'd settle down for a paw or 2, rinse and repeat. The black pug boy we have now is the worst of the bunch though. He fights like a tazmanian devil and has to be wrapped in a towel for craig to hold him without getting scratched the he!! out of while i cut, or I have to put him in a scissor lock, crossed ankles hold if I do it myself, and he tries to/does bite the whole time.

I don't ask the vet to cut them anymore unless they are asleep for some kind of procedure.

This is Billy

This is Billy


I'm amazed at all the eugenics talk in our newspapers, okay they are in the opinions section but since this crisis has begun the tone of those pieces is getting scary.

People are openly wondering if the disabled, the elderly, those with obesity or addiction issues, or the chronically ill ' deserve ' an ICU bed when ' healthy ' people could be helped instead.

As someone who fits multiple of those categories this scares and saddens me. I thought we had moved beyond those ideas of who is ' worthy ' of life but apparently we did not. Scary times indeed.
I'm amazed at all the eugenics talk in our newspapers, okay they are in the opinions section but since this crisis has begun the tone of those pieces is getting scary.

People are openly wondering if the disabled, the elderly, those with obesity or addiction issues, or the chronically ill ' deserve ' an ICU bed when ' healthy ' people could be helped instead.

As someone who fits multiple of those categories this scares and saddens me. I thought we had moved beyond those ideas of who is ' worthy ' of life but apparently we did not. Scary times indeed.
I'd like to think this is just the tabloid press trying to wind people up as usual. Surely it would contravene the Hippocratic oath?
I'd like to think this is just the tabloid press trying to wind people up as usual. Surely it would contravene the Hippocratic oath?

Oh yes it's not doctors promoting this but I am just amazed at the vermin given media time to spew these ' opinions ' 🙄
I'm amazed at all the eugenics talk in our newspapers, okay they are in the opinions section but since this crisis has begun the tone of those pieces is getting scary.

People are openly wondering if the disabled, the elderly, those with obesity or addiction issues, or the chronically ill ' deserve ' an ICU bed when ' healthy ' people could be helped instead.

As someone who fits multiple of those categories this scares and saddens me. I thought we had moved beyond those ideas of who is ' worthy ' of life but apparently we did not. Scary times indeed.
There's definitely some of that going on here, though a lot of it is framed around the harm this is doing to the economy, as in, "Are we really prepared to destroy our economy for generations to come just to save some old people and some already-sick people who would probably die anyway?"
Over the 35 plus years i have worked in the medical community, there have been many times where patients and/or families have been told multiple times there is no hope for recovery or any quality of life whatsoever in age ranges from infants to the elderly by their team of physicians. Yet, some patients and families (nearly always the families) insist on full care and that everything possible be done even though the reality is that person is going to die soon or be in a vegetative state for years until they die of old age or something like bed sore infections or pneumonia that they are going to be exposed to in long term care facilities. I've never understood or agreed with that, and have made my wishes clear should I ever be in such a situation. Society as a whole may be forced to come to a similar decision due to inadequate medical equipment, drugs, medical personnel at some point. And, it may eventually even come down to patient A has a 70% chance of recovery, but only if patient B who is on a ventilator or is being given a supply limited drug, but only has a 25% chance of recovery, is taken off.
There's definitely some of that going on here, though a lot of it is framed around the harm this is doing to the economy, as in, "Are we really prepared to destroy our economy for generations to come just to save some old people and some already-sick people who would probably die anyway?"

That's literally the head of a newspaper article I saw this morning.

Especially fat people are a target because ' being obese is a choice' well.. if only life was that simple.
My husband has now been symptom free for three days, mine are getting less noticable as well. We have talked to our doctor and provided that I will be symptom free by then my stepsons will come back here on easter sunday or monday.

Then because they stayed with their mom for four weeks, they will stay with us for four weeks. After that we'll enter a two weekly rotation on sunday because that is the least risky for me in terms of staying healthy.

I'm glad for them to come back, it's never good for any of us when the schedule gets disrupted.
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