How is the corona virus affecting you?

Yesterday I did quite a bit of driving for work and was in a lot of rural areas. Most of the time I was the only one wearing a mask at the locations I was visiting. My company has loosened the policy but I choose to keep wearing a mask in public.

Yesterday afternoon as I was walking out of a store, I removed my mask once outside. An elderly woman with a walker was approaching the door (yes she had on a mask). She said, "Excuse me, miss, I just wanted to thank you for wearing your mask."

That really touched my heart. Yeah, maybe one day I will quit wearing a mask, but not anytime soon. Masks don't always protect us, but they do protect other people from anything we might be carrying.
I still see a lot of people wearing masks in London, especially in enclosed spaces. Since I´ve had :
  • 3 jabs and
  • Covid (I´ve had worse colds)
That´s it. It´s likely that my immunity levels are in the stratosphere.
What I absolutely refuse to do is remain a hermit. I will go out and attempt to have a normal life again, even if that means wearing a mask from time to time. I spent 10 months in virtual solitary confinement in 2020, and it wasn´t much better in 2021.Now, I want to return to normal, if that´s possible.
I still see a lot of people wearing masks in London, especially in enclosed spaces. Since I´ve had :
  • 3 jabs and
  • Covid (I´ve had worse colds)
That´s it. It´s likely that my immunity levels are in the stratosphere.
What I absolutely refuse to do is remain a hermit. I will go out and attempt to have a normal life again, even if that means wearing a mask from time to time. I spent 10 months in virtual solitary confinement in 2020, and it wasn´t much better in 2021.Now, I want to return to normal, if that´s possible.
Right, I have had 3 jabs and covid as well. It's not me I am worried about as much as other people. Just because I have a good immune system doesn't mean I can't have asymptomatic covid and give it to someone with a weak (or no) immune system. That would suck, even if I never knew I got someone sick and they died or were very ill and hospitalized, all because I didn't wear a mask.
Triple vaxed and right in the middle of having Covid. In isolation until Monday.

Much better today.

Throat & headache down to nearly nothing. Temp is back to normal.

Coughing, snotty & still a bit achey all over.

I’m “locked” in my bedroom which at least now since we moved in November means my own bathroom with a bathtub.


I had a coke with ice and plain salted crisps in there today. 🤣

I’m doing dinners by proxy (text or FaceTime) and it gets left on the corner of the dining table closest to my bedroom door. The boys can be a bit slow with the cups of tea or answering their phones but it could be worse to be home alone I guess?
Both DH & I had Covid back at the beginning of this year, the milder case.
Although, my temperature got as high as 103°, no bueno!!! I was on the verge of asking DH to drop me off at the hospital, but I got it down with Tylenol 😓
What I'm experiencing now is hair lose, gobs of hair falling out!
My hair-dresser said that they are seeing alot of that, and the doc said it's because of the high fever, but perfectly normal.
Hi kaneohegirlinaz

Last night I found out there’s such a thing as post Covid insomnia 😢

Now you tell me about hair loss. I can’t afford any hair loss. My hair is too thin as it is. If it wasn’t so curly I’d look like a drowned rat.

I don’t know how high my temp got. I was eating ibuprofen & paracetamol like candy for a couple of days there.
Hi kaneohegirlinaz

Last night I found out there’s such a thing as post Covid insomnia 😢

Now you tell me about hair loss. I can’t afford any hair loss. My hair is too thin as it is. If it wasn’t so curly I’d look like a drowned rat.

I don’t know how high my temp got. I was eating ibuprofen & paracetamol like candy for a couple of days there.
I didn't have any noticeable hair loss, but I have so much of it (and mine is curly/wavy too) that maybe I just didn't notice. And I wasn't the one with the high fever, that was my husband. I had a low-grade fever for a couple of days but he soaked the sheets for over a week and his got as high as 102 a few times. I am so glad my sister sent us the high tech thermometer and the oximeter. Now neither of us either had any issues with low oxygen, either, thankfully. We both stayed steady at around 98-99 throughout.
I was not going to post about this latest of what I suspected might be a long haul covid issue. I had mentioned wanting to make pizza, but that I would have to use Boboli pizza crust because I could not knead dough with my hands due to what I then called an infection on both hands. It turns out not to have been an infection, but something more sinister.


This nasty rash business was on both hands, my neck, chest and to a lesser degree, spread over my belly and torso. It itched and stung like hell and I had no idea what was causing it, except to assume some sort of pathogen infection.

I had been to see my primary care and received no clues.

So I started to trouble shoot the problem using standard trouble shooting techniques of dividing the problem in halves, this time temporally. What did I do different during the time this started appearing?

The answer turned out to be related to my treatment of psoriasis that I have talked about being COVID related, long haul. My primary had given me an anti-fungus cream to try, but it did no good. And we had talked about dandruff shampoos with a recommend for Selsun Blue. So I got Selsun Blue and had been shampooing with it.

It turns out that I have had a very severe allergic reaction to Selsun Blue and after quitting use, things started clearing up. My Doc also prescribed a mild steroid cream to use during this time to help ameliorate the rash and itching.

I still suffer the rash a bit and it appears that it will take a while to completely clear up, but for sure, the worse is over. In the mean time, the psoriasis persists. I have an appointment to see the dermatologists about the allergic rash and the psoriasis.

Oh my, I have been through hell in these past few weeks. It has been hard to sleep, especially because the allergic reaction to Selsun Blue has caused me some breathing problems as well. It also caused a bad reaction in my eyes and that really was a nasty issue to deal with.

In the days to come, I will be thoroughly washing my clothes and any cloths and towels I have used during the time I was using Selsun Blue. The allergic rash turns out not to be a COVID symptom, but an indirectly related symptom due to trying to deal with the psoriasis.

BTW: I looked up allergic reactions to Selsun Blue and it is not uncommon. Many people suffer allergic problems to its ingredients.
I was not going to post about this latest of what I suspected might be a long haul covid issue. I had mentioned wanting to make pizza, but that I would have to use Boboli pizza crust because I could not knead dough with my hands due to what I then called an infection on both hands. It turns out not to have been an infection, but something more sinister.

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This nasty rash business was on both hands, my neck, chest and to a lesser degree, spread over my belly and torso. It itched and stung like hell and I had no idea what was causing it, except to assume some sort of pathogen infection.

I had been to see my primary care and received no clues.

So I started to trouble shoot the problem using standard trouble shooting techniques of dividing the problem in halves, this time temporally. What did I do different during the time this started appearing?

The answer turned out to be related to my treatment of psoriasis that I have talked about being COVID related, long haul. My primary had given me an anti-fungus cream to try, but it did no good. And we had talked about dandruff shampoos with a recommend for Selsun Blue. So I got Selsun Blue and had been shampooing with it.

It turns out that I have had a very severe allergic reaction to Selsun Blue and after quitting use, things started clearing up. My Doc also prescribed a mild steroid cream to use during this time to help ameliorate the rash and itching.

I still suffer the rash a bit and it appears that it will take a while to completely clear up, but for sure, the worse is over. In the mean time, the psoriasis persists. I have an appointment to see the dermatologists about the allergic rash and the psoriasis.

Oh my, I have been through hell in these past few weeks. It has been hard to sleep, especially because the allergic reaction to Selsun Blue has caused me some breathing problems as well. It also caused a bad reaction in my eyes and that really was a nasty issue to deal with.

In the days to come, I will be thoroughly washing my clothes and any cloths and towels I have used during the time I was using Selsun Blue. The allergic rash turns out not to be a COVID symptom, but an indirectly related symptom due to trying to deal with the psoriasis.

BTW: I looked up allergic reactions to Selsun Blue and it is not uncommon. Many people suffer allergic problems to its ingredients.
That's so terrible. I am so sorry you are having these issues. Maybe some sort of vitamin supplement that's good for skin could help? Again, my sincere condolences.
The pandemic seems to have gone down in Massachusetts. Some stores have lifted the mandatory wearing of masks- though both the MBTA & Amtrak still want you to wear them while on the buses, trains & in stations. Airlines still want you to wear them at the airport & on the planes. :ninja:
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