How often do you eat boiled eggs?

When I was a student, my mother would pack 2 boiled for me during exams. That is to give me the energy because it is difficult to take an exam when you are hungry. That 2 eggs would serve as my snack so that I need not go to the school canteen to buy food and I can stay glued to my reviewers. But when I finished schooling, I seldom eat boiled eggs anymore. The most I had was boiled quail eggs, those small dotted eggs that are sold by the sidewalk vendors.
I do not eat boiled eggs that often. However almost every morning I have scrambled eggs. I find boiled eggs quite boring so I soak them in a marinade that contains soy sauce and mirin and other ingredients.
I don't eat boiled eggs as much as I used to. When I was pregnant I love egg salad sandwich. I could eat one every day for lunch. Know I'll boil eggs when they are getting old in my fridge and throw them sliced onto a salad or with a turkey or ham sandwich. I have forgotten how much I like egg salad. I think I might just have to make one for lunch today.
When you say boiled eggs Easter is the first thing that crosses mi mind. I do like eggs but somehow i do not like the whole process of boiling them although i use them sometimes in my sandwiches. My preferable way of preparing the eggs at home is in microwave oven. It is fast pretty much OK if you find a good way to make them. There is a salad so called Russian Salad that require boiled eggs so i make that purpose because that salad is so good.
I would say I eat them about two or three times a month. I usually make a batch of them from time to time whenever I have my electric food steamer out since I can just throw them in there when I'm cooking something else in it. They are nice to have around when you want a quick snack and have the munchies imo. It's much better than reaching for a bag of chips or candy. Plus the extra protein will help fill you up without piling on the fat and calories.

I most often eat them over top a salad, for some substance. Especially when I am out of any grilled meat or lunch meat to throw over the salad. Once in a blue moon I will make some egg salad - though I have to eat it right after it's made because the leftovers tend to become runny as the other ingredients sweat off their moisture due to the salt.

Another thing I like to do is make a steamed breakfast bagel sandwich with them. I know it sounds weird, but this restaurant I used to go to in college prepared them this way. It was called Bagel St. Deli in Athens, Ohio. One of their breakfast sandwiches was made with a bagel (not toasted), filled with bacon, sliced hard boiled egg and cheddar cheese (and maybe some mayo? I can't recall). Then they would put it in this machine and flash steam it a few times until it was warmed through and the cheese was melted. It may sound weird, but it was really good.
I usually eat boiled eggs only with breakfast when I don't feel like doing anything else with the eggs. You literally just boil water and peel the shell and eat it. Very simple without any real effort put behind it.
I seem to only make them around the Easter holiday, but they are delicious so I should make them more often. They would actually be a great snack for my daughter at school! Thanks for the suggestion! I usually boil my eggs for 21 minutes and start the timer before it actually starts boiling. I like my egg yolks a little soft so maybe I'll try to put it in for less time next time.
My husband has a trip to the province early this morning. I saw him last night boiling 4 eggs - that's 2 each for him and his companion (a colleague). He said that boiled will be their breakfast in case they don't find any fastfood along the way. They will be leaving at 5am and fastfoods normally open at 6am. We rarely boil eggs unless we are making an egg sandwich that we mix with mayonnaise and pickle relish. But when we have trips to the province, we always have some boiled eggs for emergency food.
I seem to only make them around the Easter holiday, but they are delicious so I should make them more often. They would actually be a great snack for my daughter at school! Thanks for the suggestion! I usually boil my eggs for 21 minutes and start the timer before it actually starts boiling. I like my egg yolks a little soft so maybe I'll try to put it in for less time next time.
I noticed you said you boil eggs for 21 minutes. This is a very long time. Ten minutes will boil any hen's egg! If you boil them longer they tend to go rubbery and tough.
When you say boiled eggs Easter is the first thing that crosses mi mind. I do like eggs but somehow i do not like the whole process of boiling them although i use them sometimes in my sandwiches. My preferable way of preparing the eggs at home is in microwave oven. It is fast pretty much OK if you find a good way to make them. There is a salad so called Russian Salad that require boiled eggs so i make that purpose because that salad is so good.
So how do you do them in the microwave? Obviously you can't do them in their shells or you would have an explosion!
The last time I ate one was probably about a year ago. I do like them, I just don't make them much. However, I usually dispose of the yolks, or at least try to re-use them in some way. Hardboiled or runny, yolks freak me out a bit.
So how do you do them in the microwave? Obviously you can't do them in their shells or you would have an explosion!
Of course not . I crack them from the shells and put them on 3 to 5 minutes on 40 % in microwave. Otherwise in my oven they explode :) That is if you do not scramble the eggs. Another trick that is good for this is to take a fork and stab them several times. I noticed that they tend not to explode or react in any way when I do that. On the other hand if you want to make scrambled or omelette and that should be under quotation marks because it is not the same., you do not need to lower the power of the oven. I mix with cheese so it is very good and easy.
I eat boiled eggs alot. Growing up, I had the pleasure of having a soft boiled egg, tucked on one of those old fashioned egg cups. Mom cracked the top open, and I had a few sticks of asparagus, carrot sticks, or celery to dip into the yummy runny yolk. This is not a typical breakfast, but it was a snack we always had on sundays when we had a late brunch. Always looked forward to it.

I did a few catering jobs from my home, and one sure fire way of getting people to eat boiled eggs was to make deviled eggs. These little things are so good. Boil eggs then half, remove yolk carefully, mash with green onion, mayo, mustard, salt and pepper. pipe back into egg whites with a smattering of paprika. Great as appetizers I think.

Another way to eat boiled eggs would be how I was taught to prepare scotch eggs. I know this isnt a breakfast food, its basically a boiled egg, peeled, wrapped in seasoned sausage meat then breaded and fried to a crispy crunch. This was another favourite every now and then treat.
I love eggs, pretty much cooked any way. I go through stages when I eat a poached egg every day or a fried egg everyday. Sometimes I'll scramble my breakfast egg, but then it's usually eggs, because I've never seen the purpose in scrambling a single egg. I grew up eating hard boiled eggs, and nowadays, I tend to eat them as snacks between meals. I think it's a healthier alternative to most anything else, other than perhaps a fruit or vegetable snack. I haven't had one in a while, but when I have extra eggs in the house, I will boil up 3 or 4 and as I said, eat them as snacks. I don't like eating them straight from the fridge, so when I am planning to eat one later as a snack, I'll pull it out of the fridge and leave it on the counter for an hour or two. If I'm going to eat it as a meal (usually breakfast, but occasionally for supper), I will eat it/them hot. If I'm making a dinner of it, I'll usually have two, and I eat my warm/hot boiled eggs with butter, salt, and jelly or marmalade.
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