The CookingBites Recipe Challenge: Almonds

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I do my coffee straight up and black. I'm however not adverse to a shot of Irish whiskey in it on occasion... or maybe a jigger of Kahlua... but those are rare occasions. The only cereal I eat these days is oatmeal - which I like with a little real whole milk on top.
I like oatmeal okay in the winter, but never in summer. It's one of those "warm me up" comfort foods from my childhood.

I love a good Irish coffee or just about any kind of spiked coffees, especially on cold evenings, but coffee at night nowadays keeps me awake so I don't do it often (and I don't see the point in decaf). I never really drank coffee for the taste, I can't stand it plain. I started drinking it in college for the caffeine to keep me awake while studying. I really prefer tea. However, my protein powders destroy the flavor of tea, so I have coffee with them instead.
My entry,
Recipe - Almond Crusted Speckled Trout Fillet


George was not impressed with my first Almond dish. He really liked this one.
I have an overload of Cantaloupe. I tried a Cantaloupe Loaf recipe with almonds. The loaf recipe needs help. Not moist enough, not enough spice. I may try it again, time permitting.
I have an overload of Cantaloupe. I tried a Cantaloupe Loaf recipe with almonds. The loaf recipe needs help. Not moist enough, not enough spice. I may try it again, time permitting.
Never heard of that. I wonder if salt and honey would flavor and moisten it up? I use cream cheese when I do banana bread or muffins, but have no idea what pairs well with cantaloupe (except honey, which just goes with a lot of different things). It's not a melon I eat I usually eat.
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