What did you cook/eat today (December 2016)?

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More messy hot dogs.....

I cut one in half so that MG could see what was inside............:p:

[Edit: for information: 33mm; 1/125; f11; ISO 200; single remote ceiling bounced flash at 7 o'clock]
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It's been too hot here recently to really easy anything at all, but yesterday was slightly colder and a nice reprieve, but I'm still not really in the mood for cooking, so I've only made a few things. some Homemade yoghurt, some Greek strained yoghurt for the chooks which they love, some oat and almond cookies and the sauce for my tempeh, Leek and mushroom pies.

Eating wise I've only cooked a couple of simple plain omelettes. otherwise it had been porridge oats soaked in Homemade yoghurt, wraps with avocado, shop bought hummus and tofu with senap and the remains of a salad I made several days ago.

Today as well at the Christmas cake, I have the Tempeh Leek and mushroom pies and another rice salad to make. I'm going to be busy.
I did a Homemade pizza with loads of vegetable toppings and some great cheese in trying for the first time. it was really tasty.
Fray Bentos steak and kidley pie with Yorkshire dhal (the former cooked in the new halogen cooker.

s&k and mushies s.jpg
How may of those old pies have you got sashed away?

That was the last one. I attempted to cook the penultimate one in my pathetic gas cooker about 2 years ago and the pastry came out a slightly different colour than it went in. I binned the pastry and transferred the meat to a saucepan and heated it on the hob.

s&k and dhal 2.jpg

Note the selfie!
Tonight its simple. Cauliflower cheese (with anchovies) and garlic baked potatoes: baked potatoes with flesh mashed up with garlic and butter and then returned to oven to crisp on top.
Gammon (first time for over a fortnight) with chips, poached duck egg, peas and English mustard (and a bit of grass).

gammon chips dec is egg s.jpg

24mm lense, 1/6; f 11; ISO 200; tripod mounted; borrowed diffused light from 1 and 3 o'clock.
A couple of weeks ago we went to a farmshop to buy beef for Christmas, at our request the butcher gave us the off cut bones, we got them and put straight into the freezer. Took them out to thaw and this morning TVC added a pot of beef stock to the stock pot, all the bones and off cuts of meat added to the bag, carrots, onions, a generous glug of red wine and whatever else he puts in, then the pot went into the oven very low for a few hours, strained out the juices then reduced down. We now have a pot of very intense gravy for our Christmas dinner.
A couple of weeks ago we went to a farmshop to buy beef for Christmas, at our request the butcher gave us the off cut bones, we got them and put straight into the freezer. Took them out to thaw and this morning TVC added a pot of beef stock to the stock pot, all the bones and off cuts of meat added to the bag, carrots, onions, a generous glug of red wine and whatever else he puts in, then the pot went into the oven very low for a few hours, strained out the juices then reduced down. We now have a pot of very intense gravy for our Christmas dinner.
Fantastic! You know, despite being a fanatical cook I've never made my own beef stock. Well done! This ought to be posted as a recipe perhaps... would @The Velvet Curtain like to write it up as a recipe? :)
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