What did you cook today? (2014)

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Indian for tea last night - homemade from scratch... slight variation on the usual recipe because I didn't have any paprika (someone had finished the last of it just before we went on holiday and didn't tell me or write it up on the blackboard)... then some stewed plums and soya yoghurt. Plenty of indian left over, so if I get chance/time today I will make up some chapattis to go with it tonight.
Oodles n' Noodles last night. Was going to make hot soup in the blender, but don't have all the stuff for it. :eek:
I made vegetable stir fry today. I cooked cauliflower, broccoli and carrot with garlic today. I might have over cooked it a bit because the broccoli was too soft but overall it's a good meal for me.

How about you. What did you cook today?
I haven't cooked much of anything yet today but yesterday was a great day ! I made omelets for the kids before school and then dinner was breaded cod fillets, a vegetable and yummy rice. It's hard sometimes with my kiddos, their not into really trying new and exciting things so I have to keep my creativity to a minimum. :) That's ok... on occasion I go wild and crazy and just cook for me and my husband. He loves trying new things and so do I !
Thanks for asking !
Danyel :)
Today, I cooked what is called picadillo. It is ground pork with potatoes, carrots, and bell peppers. :) It's very simple to make!

Tonight I made tacos :). I know not that exciting, but this is the first time I used ground turkey instead of ground beef!! We loved it and honestly, the kids had no clue I even switched it !! I have been trying really hard to get most of the red meats out our diet but sometimes it's not that easy with kids. This was a success though. It was softer and much more tender than ground beef and was a perfect compliment to tacos. I guess it was a good thing to try it for the first time especially since the taco flavor kind of masks the difference in the turkey and ground beef.
I think this may be our new thing!!

Try it!!!

Danyel :)
Last night I made crab cakes and homemade coleslaw for dinner. The coleslaw was just average but the crab cakes were phenomenal. When I make them I use minimal filler so they're very crabby. This morning I made oatmeal and tossed in some blueberries. Not super adventurous but healthy and filling.
I made some crabsticks wrapped in lettuce. They are very simple to make. I just wrap the crabsticks in lettuce and add some slices of cucumber. This is very filling and healthy. :)
chickpea pistou... it was meant to be made with 400ml white wine, but my OH purchased white wine vinegar instead (don't ask!) so it was made with stock. I doubled the quantity of herbs & spices in it, 4 times the amount of lemon juice because the lemons are rather small and added some tomato puree along with the cherry tomatoes which had not taste whatsoever (spoilt with our own during the summer months) but it was exceptionally nice.
I just finished making chicken chili for dinner. I am going to keep it on low for the next few hours so all of the flavors have time to come together. I added some black beans this time, in addition to kidney beans, and hope I didn't make it too thick. Otherwise this tends to be a hit at dinner, and I like it because it is better for us than chili which has red meat in it.
Today, I cooked carbonara. My nephew was ranked second in his class, so I made this one for him. He loves carbonara. :)
I cooked some creamy chicken pasta. I will tell you that it was really really tasty. Actually my wife helped me to make it and I will tell you that it was the best thing that I have eaten all day.
I made my own version of macaroni, tomato sauce and red meat. My boyfriend loves it because he said it reminds him of this Chef Boyardee stuff he used to eat out of a can when he was growing up. Sometimes I add some green peppers to it to make it a little healthier. It's quick and easy and makes him happy.
I made some pancakes today for breakfast! My brothers and nephew really love pancakes especially with vanilla extract. I even bought cinnamon syrup because I like it more than maple. :D
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