What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today? (2018-2022)

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Another score in the meat department. USDA Prime NY Strip. :hungry:

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Weekly veg run...

(2kg tomatoes, Cherry tomatoes, Carrots, Aubergine, Parsnip, Beetroot, Courgettes, strawberries, nectarines, leaves, sugar snaps, green beans, asparagus, corn on the cob, sweet potatoes, avocado & red pepper)

Came home to find the house engulfed in smoke. Couldn't find the source so went looking... neighbour knew nothing either, so strayed further afield and found it (sighted in the distance with no way of getting closer) and by chance a local farmer came along. It's a small single track dirt road at this point, little frequented... turned out to be a controlled burn so we now know another neighbour (he lives 3-4km away as the crow flies) and are now on his list to notify when he has controlled burns.

I get a bit worried about coming home to find the house engulfed in smoke. It isn't an Aussie thing but something they happened when we lived in the UK. Came home from work one time to lots of head fire smoke and a queue of vehicles at the entrance to our track, all of them emergency vehicles. A quick discussion followed and we were allowed home escorted (about a mile up the track onto military land they was open access and our house used the military track for access even though the house itself was on private land). We were not allowed home again for 5 days. People at work kept telling me shouldn't be at work, but we didn't have anywhere else to go to (we stayed the night in a service station hotel some 50 miles away because of Ascot being on (major horse race in the UK).. periodically we rang home because if the answering machine answered, we not only still had electricity and a phone line, but the answering machine (remember those? ) had to still exist as well. The fire got to within 25meters of the house.
The only reason we didn't lose the house was because an aircraft pilot taking off from a 'local' private airfield had sighted the smoke and called it in. His call saved our home, but because all 999 fire calls in the UK are anonymous we never had anyway to thank him. The irony was that my hubby worked on the military part out that airfield at the time.
Every year after that, each time we saw smoke over the nature reserve/MOD land our hearts would sink. One time the fire got to within 10m of our house, so coming home to smoke in Australia and knowing nothing about it's source leaves me a little worried to say the least.
Cut it up, season it “real good” as we say around here, then bake it in a ripping hot cast iron skillet.
Yeah, that's exactly how my Texas grandma and cousins would say it.

I am craving fried chicken though, but I had better wait awhile before I venture into the fried foods realm again, LOL. I have to work tomorrow and will be traveling to a few nearby cities, so I don't want to be indisposed.
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