What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today (2023)?

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Yeah, my mother was/is the same. She used to blame tap water for her IBS, but the tap water where we used to live was very hard and didn't taste great with lots of chemicals added. Filtering it definitely improved both the taste and the clarity of the water. But when they were stranded over here, initially we had been getting mineral water in large 40L containers for her, but Covid meant availability issues, and she discovered she liked my diet lemon cordial a lot and we would make up a jug of it which everyone helped themselves to. We made it with tap water because we hadn't expected my mum to help herself to it, but she's lazy. It was ready made and in the fridge, much easier than making her own up... my step-father asked us not to mention it was rain water, unfiltered and untreated, that she was drinking. She did realise eventually but she veg drinking it for a month by that point and hadn't had issues, so she had to give up on that excuse so to speak, at least whilst she was in Australia.

Now she's excluding gluten from her diet, all gluten totally. She says she feels better, less wind, less IBS issues, my stepfather gives me that look that says "don't go there" behind her back. But she's happier so I guess that's all that counts. She even puts up with gluten free stuff including bread, so perhaps she does feel better ? So it's hard to know but the internet certainly has more bad content than good in my opinion as an it engineer. I've seen what kids find first hand being the person responsible for controlling what 650 11-18 year old students had access to and seeing what they did manage to find access to including some pretty awful hardcore points sites leaving nothing to the imagination, having sites, how to make "just insert anything here" sites and so on.

I don't exclude gluten but I do know I have much less wind and rumblings if I minimise what I consume of it, but I can easily eat it if and when I want to. Dairy on the other hand is a totally different matter. The tiniest amount and I'm in anaphylaxis and fighting for my life.

Your story about your mum reminded me of a friend. A friend of mine had a friend (jockey) from the uk staying with them. He wanted to see the west coast so I took him over for the day. We were coming back from the coast over Arthur's pass. We were really up high in the pass and he asked me to stop so he could drink the "fresh" water from his hands. He came back to the car and said it was the freshest water he had ever drunk. I laughed inside. Higher up could have had a dead sheep in it? Or bird or anything?
I never said anything. Lol.

Higher up could have had a dead sheep in it? Or bird or anything?
Yeah, it's a possibility but it doesn't happen that often. And often you can tell by smell. Most mountain water is cleaner and has fewer chemicals in it than city water. I'd drink it before mains water any day.

However, as a teenager when I was doing my Duke of Edinburgh Gold expedition on the north side of Isle of Arran (in the mountains in Scotland), and we'd been told to camp in a certain area. During the first day whilst out doing survey work a park ranger spotted our tents and left a note. There was indeed a dead deer in the water upstream before a large waterfall so even walking past it the steam route had not found it.. so he had removed the cover from a post we had camped alongside. It turned out that this grey bollard with a green stripe on it had a hidden stand pipe inside from an upstream water treatment for the villagers on the coast a few miles away. He wanted us to use that water for the duration of our stay. We were really grateful for him meeting us know because we had only walked the route to the waterfall, not any further.

That said, I'm still drink mountain water quite happily.
I wish they would bring back Maple Cheerios.

Those two were on special at ALDI, $3 a box. They weren’t on my list, but I bought them because I eat cereal during the week, and I would have bought something like that eventually, and at twice the price, so I don’t count that as an impulse buy.

I can’t remember the flavor, it may have been maple, but there’s one flavor of frosted mini-wheats my brother still misses. He wrote off to Kellogg’s asking to have them brought back. :laugh:
I overestimated my Easter shop because I didn't check my pantry :wacky: so we're not ordering groceries next week..

I have:
2 punnets of strawberries (I will freeze one) and a punnet of raspberries
1 watermelon
1 box of grapes
2 bags of soft rolls (6 a bag)
1 bag of mini brioches
1 bag of bake off bread
1 sweet easter bread
20 eggs
4 types of luxury cheese
2 types of luxury deli meat
4 bags of different citrus
1 pack of marzipan to fill the sweet bread with
Sweet waffles
4 bags of potato chips (I don't eat them but my stepsons do)
2 packs of butter

And we're going out for brunch the next day too!
I will freeze the bread and butter, no problem there. And the fruit can easily be dealt with too. But still, it's silly. I can be sure no one will starve however, in our 3 person household 🫠
And I forgot what we do need: milk!!
Dishoom Tomato Chilli Jam ready for the breakfast naan roll that Morning Glory posted about 👍
I’m a fan of minimal packaging for environmental reasons but I can’t pretend I didn’t really enjoy the reverence this has been treated with.

Noodles & Asian greens.

I bought a couple of random stir fry / fry pot kits from the Asian market so we are having the Szechuan tonight. I called son to open it and see what’s included. 2 packs of what appear to be chilli paste. Yesterday I sourced fresh flat very thin wheat noodles to go in it with chicken & bok choy etc. probably should be without veg but I like a one pot meal on a Friday.

Great shopping today, eh?
I managed milk, bottled water, ginger, tamarind, fresh mangoes, tomatoes, potatoes, celery and chickpeas.
When I look at that packet of Cheerios, however, I'm tempted to laugh, cynically . "Limited Edition" is something I'd associate with high value, like a Jaguar, a Rolex watch, a Coronation Medal, something like that: not a box of cereal which sells 10,000,000 units a year!
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