What did you cook/eat today (November 2017)?

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There is some fabulous food in this thread...

Those veg plates from SNSSO are wonderful, I've never seen a freshwater chestnut but the canned ones are popular for crunch in this house in Thai curry. The prawns & salmon almost had me licking the iPad.

I'll go over to my phone so I can upload pics
Monday night's dinner was spinach with rice and peppers (spanakorizo me piperies), not spicy but quite fragrant with the addition of mint; and of course there was plenty of garlic! I shall post the recipe sometime tomorrow after my appointment at the dentist :( Afters was a fresh pear.

Spanakorizo me Piperies.jpg
I had some more of the chop suey this evening. Although it is extremely tasty I think I shall revert to red meat tomorrow.

On the stoep at sunset (I remembered the spoon).

At dusk 1 s.jpg
Thank you @Yorky

Last night was a 2nd time around for the bulgogi marinated pork chops.


Cooked on the bbq and served with a simple stir fried veg & rice noodle combo. Plus a side salad of slaw with added red apple & home grown snow peas with a siracha soy dressing.
Tonight was another totally inauthentic

Thai Beef Salad

If the beef was minced and virtually raw then that would be considered laarb neua up here in Nakhorn Nowhere. Given the toughness of the local Thai beef I tend to avoid it.

Oh, and it needs mint.
There's mint in there... I have a mint forest.
After 11 years the mint has finally had enough of being confined to the space near the garden tap and has marched almost 2 metres along the fence. We have had a spectacularly dry couple of seasons, I'm assuming that's why.

Tonight's meal is supposed to be a beef curry using Indian spices which I cooked on Monday but the teens are campaigning for taco's. We shall see.

PS - thank you to the moderator who spun the pic for me.
Tuesday night's dinner was very late! When I got home from my trip to the dentists I slept until 7 p.m.! I had spanakopita with a red salad plus a plate of chips for good measure as I'd missed out on food for most of the day. I also had an apple.
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