How is the corona virus affecting you?

56 cases of Omicron has now been detected in Beijing and people now need a negative covid test from within the last 48 hours and proof of vaccination for public transportation, sporting events, malls, shops and banned dinning in for all restaurants.

The CCP with it's 0 covid policy has successfully kept infection at bay for a long time obviously with pretty good economic growth since the beginning of the pandemic which is a major source for national pride when comparing covid to the rest of the world. Unfortunately 0 Covid is not only unrealistic it's impossible, so it will be interesting to see how the CCP handles this going forward. The living proof that China's governance is superior will come into question and if Shanghai is evidence of how they try and mitigate Covid it's not going to end well for Xi Jinping.
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I've got an appointment for my second covid booster (Moderna dose 4) tomorrow afternoon. I had to wait because I have a mammogram scheduled for tomorrow just before the vaccine appointment (routine check). They don't recommend getting the booster before a mammogram because it can skew the results of the mammogram due to possible lymph node swelling.
I've got an appointment for my second covid booster (Moderna dose 4) tomorrow afternoon. I had to wait because I have a mammogram scheduled for tomorrow just before the vaccine appointment (routine check). They don't recommend getting the booster before a mammogram because it can skew the results of the mammogram due to possible lymph node swelling.
We’re getting our second boosters in late July, doc’s recommendation, because we’re traveling to Europe (finally!) in early September.

Here second boosters are only given to anyone 60 or over, not even younger at risk people. So none for me, sadly.
In the US it's 50. It's sad that they won't allow younger at-risk people. I hope that changes soon.

What's even sadder is that many people who are a qualifying age don't want to get a booster! I can't even imagine.
So far at work we have 4 people off with covid, hopefully it won't go any further but you cannot be too sure.
It’s definitely still causing problems.

I haven’t updated in a while, and since my last post, my brother (unvaccinated, 62yo) got it and gave it to his wife and both their (adult) kids. He said he felt like crap for about three days, but got over it pretty quickly.

My SIL (MrsT’s sister, 65yo), she got it and landed in the hospital ICU for five or six days, and it severely affected an existing digestive issue she has. Hadn’t heard that before, but we looked it up, and yes, it’s a thing.

Lastly, MrsT herself was exposed by two travel clients last week who were unknowingly positive. She’s already fighting allergies, and a lot of the symptoms are the same, so she’s been very concerned, but I think she’s fine, and she’s coming out of the wait period for it anyway, so she’s likely ok, just nervous.
My son has it at the moment. He is fully vaccinated. He caught it from his ex (he thinks) who has had it 4 times! More worrying is something I saw in the Independent newspaper today:

The latest sub-variants of Omicron may have evolved to target the lung, prompting fears the next wave of the Covid could be starting. Hospital admissions for Covid patients in England have begun to grow again, new NHS data shows.

The World Health Organisation has been investigating two Omicron sub-variants since April to assess whether they are more infectious or dangerous than their predecessor. Both BA.4 and BA.5 have been added to the agency’s monitoring list.

Last week new figures showed that Covid-19 infections in the UKincreased by 43 per cent in the week after the platinum jubilee celebrations, with the two new sub-variants believed to be behind the sudden increase.

Additionally, around 1.4 million people in the UK had coronavirus in the week ending 11 June, up from around 990,000 the week before.
My son has it at the moment. He is fully vaccinated. He caught it from his ex (he thinks) who has had it 4 times! More worrying is something I saw in the Independent newspaper today:
We usually have whatever the UK has 2-3 weeks later. And we have the 4th of July coming up. Eek!
It’s definitely still causing problems.

I haven’t updated in a while, and since my last post, my brother (unvaccinated, 62yo) got it and gave it to his wife and both their (adult) kids. He said he felt like crap for about three days, but got over it pretty quickly.

My SIL (MrsT’s sister, 65yo), she got it and landed in the hospital ICU for five or six days, and it severely affected an existing digestive issue she has. Hadn’t heard that before, but we looked it up, and yes, it’s a thing.

Lastly, MrsT herself was exposed by two travel clients last week who were unknowingly positive. She’s already fighting allergies, and a lot of the symptoms are the same, so she’s been very concerned, but I think she’s fine, and she’s coming out of the wait period for it anyway, so she’s likely ok, just nervous.

For 2 of them, this is their second time, the other 2 it is their 1st. Beastly germ.
Both my husband and I had Covid back in January and about maybe acoupla months or so ago, my hair has been falling out at a shocking rate!


I had my follow-up appointment with the PCP last month and she said that they are finding that this is the case after Covid, as well, Shingles, which I also had!!! I won't show you that one, because, I wound up with a secondary skin infection which was a bit ugly and painful.
My hair is starting to grow back in; I have oodles of "baby hairs" all around my face, which is a bit annoying with just the slights of a breeze, I just can't tame them.
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