Lifestyle changes

I never got any of that, rarely even I was told off, worse was a threat wait til your grandfather finds out. Nothing happened, it may have been my happy disposition .

When I think back, my Grandma would often say: You have to strive to find your own place under the sun. You alone, with your own efforts and abilities. You can't rely on your parents to do it for you. They are deaf.

But you have to look after them.

It does stick in my mind all these years.
That's how it was with us. I remember seeing TV shows or reading books with parents who would tell their kids something like, "We work hard because we want you to have it better than we did. We want you to have more."

I'd think how strange that sounded, because whenever we wanted anything, or go anywhere, or do just about anything other than work, Dad would say, "I never had that, so I don't reckon you need it either!" :laugh:
Doing good. I slept for six hours. Dinner stayed down and I did a few exercises. It's been a bit chilly at night so I turned on my electric blanket just to cover my legs. It seemed to work because the pain didn't wake me up. I look ridiculous with an electric blanket and the fan on high. LOL

How is everybody doing?
Doing okay. I had a light dinner and did a few exercises. Our current weather is torture on my asthma so I had to use my nebulizer. It should pass in the next month or so. I can't believe we're already in the middle of May. Is time just swooshing by?

How is everybody doing?
Hi there! Welcome to the thread!!!! I'm glad you found some things helpful here.

It sounds like you are doing all the right things at your own pace. I strongly believe in that which is why I didn't want this to be about a specific diet or "system" or "mail order foods" kind of thing. My vision was for us to just start with where we were and set our goals, however small or big, and encourage one another.

I can tell you with absolute certainty that you will never meet a better bunch of people. I am relatively new (just stumbled in here around early Fall) and everyone was so kind and embracing. There are days when I feel like roadkill and all I have to do is think about my friends here and can muster the energy to keep trying. It's true!

I look forward to your updates. Keep smiling!

Thank you! To be honest with you I haven't been recently working towards any goal because I feel ok and perfectly balanced between discipline and indulgence. It is true, however, that I have not exercised in a long time. I used to go out for running around 3x weekly, but the second UK national lockdown has killed me. I still walk everyday to work though.

But, since I am here writing this, I am going to set up a clear goal: cutting down on snacking, particularly chocolate. I work in a hospital and patient's relatives would gift us sweets every time we discharge somebody from the ward. To tempting sometimes...

It should not be difficult. I managed in the past to change all my bad eating habits and we always have fruit around. You see my problem is mostly will-based. I will keep you updated.
Thank you! To be honest with you I haven't been recently working towards any goal because I feel ok and perfectly balanced between discipline and indulgence. It is true, however, that I have not exercised in a long time. I used to go out for running around 3x weekly, but the second UK national lockdown has killed me. I still walk everyday to work though.

But, since I am here writing this, I am going to set up a clear goal: cutting down on snacking, particularly chocolate. I work in a hospital and patient's relatives would gift us sweets every time we discharge somebody from the ward. To tempting sometimes...

It should not be difficult. I managed in the past to change all my bad eating habits and we always have fruit around. You see my problem is mostly will-based. I will keep you updated.
Guess what? In fact, it's not your fault. Check this out: The science of chocolate | Why do people like chocolate?

I no longer work, but when I did, I ALWAYS was the one to bring in fresh fruit or a veggie tray because we always had MOUNTAINS of sweets. ;-)

I'm getting better now that I've had menopause but before that? Wow. My husband would put little baskets of Midol and chocolate all around the house. LOL
Doing okay. I had a tough night but I made it through. I've been working on guided meditations and it seems to be helping some. I'll keep at it. I've come too far to give up now. Not gonna happen.

How is everybody doing?
Doing okay. I had a tough night but I made it through. I've been working on guided meditations and it seems to be helping some. I'll keep at it. I've come too far to give up now. Not gonna happen.

How is everybody doing?
Great to hear it's helping you! :hug:
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Thank you, sweetie.

How are you doing today?

Big hugs!

Am doing as fine as yesterday. My total weight loss is now 2.3 kilos over the past 3 weeks. Makes me feel very hopeful for the future! And cravings have been minimal since starting WW, because I am allowed to eat what I like just as long as it stays within my points. When I get a little peckish due to the calorie deficit I just distract myself or go to bed early. I'm so glad my psychologist helped me get here!

Today we'll have a walk near a lake, should be fun.
Am doing as fine as yesterday. My total weight loss is now 2.3 kilos over the past 3 weeks. Makes me feel very hopeful for the future! And cravings have been minimal since starting WW, because I am allowed to eat what I like just as long as it stays within my points. When I get a little peckish due to the calorie deficit I just distract myself or go to bed early. I'm so glad my psychologist helped me get here!

Today we'll have a walk near a lake, should be fun.
I'm so proud of you! How exciting. Keep up the good work, lady! :hug: :woot:
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