
26 Aug 2020
Local time
4:09 AM
Pistachio & Basil Bread

1 large loaf | Total cooking time 3-3,5 hours (kneading, rising, baking)

500 ml/g (~2.1 US cups) water​
11 g (~0.39 oz/1 pouch) active dry yeast​
2 teaspoons salt​
1 teaspoon caster sugar​
3 teaspoons dried basil​
50 ml/g ev olive oil​
50 g (~95 ml or 1.76 oz) shelled, unsalted pistachios​
700 ml (~355 g/~12.5 oz) plain flour/APF + a handful for working the dough and dusting the surface​


Crush the pistachios coarsely. Warm up 500 ml water in the microwave and dilute the dry yeast into the (~42°C/~107.5°F or slightly warm) water with the salt, sugar and basil in a large bowl. (Follow the instructions of the specific brand of yeast you are using; instant yeast may be mixed with the flour).

Add about half of the flour and mix well. Add the rest of the flour, the pistachios and the olive oil and knead for about 10-15 minutes (preferably with a mixer with kneading hooks or a general purpose machine on low speed) until the dough detaches from the sides of the bowl while you’re making calm, rotating kneading movements near the center of the dough. Place a kitchen towel on top and let the dough rise in draft-free room temperature for about 2,5 hours until doubled or tripled.

Line a baking tray with parchment paper and sprinkle flour on top. Pour the sticky dough gently from the bowl, sprinkle a generous amount of flour on top and knead for 10-15 seconds to remove excess air. Form a round bread by pressing the dough gently, turning the sides underneath and pressing again. Sprinkle some flour on top, place a kitchen towel on top and let rise for another 30-45 minutes until doubled. Set the oven to 225°C (~435°F, gas mark 7/8, no fan). Bake in the lower part of the oven for 30-35 minutes until done and crispy. This bread is supposed to have a rather thick (and tasty) crust. You can check the doneness by knocking the bottom of the bread. If the bread makes a hollow sound (peal/boom), it’s done.



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