The CookingBites Recipe Challenge: Juniper Berries and/or Gin

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They are delicious but fun to catch. It's a win win. I don't fish for sport. If I can't eat it, I don't fish for it. "Mahi mahi" is Hawaiian. In Mexico they are called "Dorado". They are gorgeous and strong fighters.

They are also called dolphin.
Brussel Sprouts, Air-Dried Beef and Juniper Berries


This is another suggestion for both of my entries. Of course, I made sushi from my gravlax. Wow, is this ever a great way to enjoy your fish.

The drink is my gin, plus lemon juice, lime juice, cherry moonshine, and soda water. Of course, I have to get complicated with my recipes. But, I am not gratuitous. I don’t want a cacophony of flavors. I want things to complement each other. This works, but I wish I had tonic water so I could just make a gin and tonic. There is still time.
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The juniper berries I ordered came in yesterday. I noticed they actually had them at the grocery story when I made my morning run. Go figure.

SO now I have both gin AND juniper berries.

I picked up mahi-mahi (a type of tuna) - so expect a dish made with mahi-mahi, juniper berries and possibly a gin sauce early next week. I'll have to think of something else in addition, since I know Tasty doesn't do fish. But, that's okay. There's way too many of these berries...
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