What did you cook/eat today (November 2019)

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I kept aside a few mushrooms and as I had some sunflower seeds oil, I fried them:

Fondue is now pushed to tomorrow. MrsTasty had a doc's appointment and she wanted to eat after that.

We ate at a chain buffet. Hadn't been there in probably 10 years, and I think I'm ok if it's another 10 years before I go again.
Drop biscuit ??? Please splain? The gravy seems quite pale? Is it supposed to,be??
Sorry bout all the qs.russ

Instead of rolling out the biscuit dough and cutting it with a cutter, you simply use something like a soup spoon (a larger table setting spoon), gather up a rounded blob of dough and "drop" it on your baking sheet or top of your pie filling in this case. Just a rustic way of making biscuits.

Gravy was made with chicken stock as the turkey was leftover in the freezer from when I cooked a turkey breast a few weeks ago.
Pan fried gammon steak, roast spuds and onions and poached eggs (with English mustard).

You just made one of my wife's top 3 favorite meals.
Instead of rolling out the biscuit dough and cutting it with a cutter, you simply use something like a soup spoon (a larger table setting spoon), gather up a rounded blob of dough and "drop" it on your baking sheet or top of your pie filling in this case. Just a rustic way of making biscuits.

Gravy was made with chicken stock as the turkey was leftover in the freezer from when I cooked a turkey breast a few weeks ago.

Thanks, crazy murican lingo! :) :)

Thanks, crazy murican lingo! :) :)


Biscuits are similar to what we would call scones. And 'white' gravy is a thing in the US. Biscuits & gravy means something very different from what would be understood in the UK. There is a thread about it somewhere on the forum...
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