What did you cook/eat today (October 2019)?

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It was a Jamie Oliver (!) recipe - I used one cup of plain flour, one cup of milk, one egg, and one cup of baby spinach, mixed in the liquidiser. The only thing to remember is to cook the pancake on a medium heat and not to flip it.

Thanks - I can see that if you flipped it the lovely green top would go brown. I must try this recipe.
Might be good for soup too?
It's one of those things that's good for a single large-ish serving of something, or two very small servings...which I rarely do. I usually make 4 portions, and MrsTasty and I generally eat the same thing.

Last night, we ate separately, so it worked to reheat for just one, and then I just ate out of it, like a heathen. :)

Her friend has given me several things like that, like two individual creme brûlée dishes - I've never made two individual creme brûlée's in my life, I make one normal-sized one, so while they're cute, they're also somewhat useless in my kitchen. I really wish she'd just stop, and it's been strongly suggested, but she's the type who has a rather...intense personality and can't pick up the obvious hints.

She's sent me a couple of things, I don't even know what they are! They're sort of like little bowls, or maybe big cups, too big to be prep bowls, but too small to eat anything out of. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Not a proper tart, I don't know how to call it, but I know that it was delicious....

Shortcrust pastry with nutella, banana, blueberries and pomegranate seeds (melted) and a pinch of cinnamon


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