What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today? (2018-2022)

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Here's some more stuff I purchased when I grocery shopped recently.

This is my bucket of their Texmati rice:

View attachment 83172

I was surprised a little by this on the backside:
View attachment 83173

Doesn’t bother me in the least, but it surprised me.

We don't grow Basmati rice (AFAIK). Generally we grow Jasmine rice the majority of which is exchanged for cheap rice from the Chinese (I am given to understand).
Got my son and his wife slaving over a hot laptop all day, so I bought all this stuff:

The cream and the bacon (plus a packet of sliced, smoked cheddar) were used to make Heart Attack Potatoes, because there was a whole bag of potatoes going to seed.
The Hog´s Back traditional English ale was judiciously employed to lubricate the chef´s vocal chords.
The Wensleydale cheese was purchased because it was only 59p, and the "best by" date was today.
Today's haul:

4 eggs (so far, presumably more later).

At the feed store: 1 bag of layer feed for chickens.

At the gas station. I have to feed the car a periodic allotment of petrol.

At the supermarket:

  • 1 large container of whole milk, plain yogurt. (I am wondering why!)
  • A small amount of soft goat cheese.
  • A bag of mini bell peppers, yellow to red. (My plan is to invent an appetizer with mini peppers stuffed with goat cheese and a few other things probably already here, cook and serve. This would be a test run.)
  • Green onions aka scallions (One will likely end up in the stuffed pepper concept mentioned above.)
  • 1 bottle of rum, yo ho ho, avast ye mateys!
  • A pack of bone in-skin on chicken thighs. This was an impulse buy - it was in the "Day's Discount Section", and the price was stunningly good.
  • 1 lemon. I have a few others here already, but I have thoughts...
  • A small pack of grape tomatoes. This is for a salad recipe I'd actually hoped to get around to a fair while ago, and which would have fit into the cabbage competition.
  • 2 avocadoes. One will go to a dressing for the above salad.
  • 1 pack of soft tortillas. I have a severe hankering for quesadillas.
  • 1 small pack of fresh cilantro. See quesadillas. i also have another recipe I want to try where more of it can be used. (Part of the other cabbage recipe I never got around to making).
  • Low sodium gluten-free tamari. I am out, and I use it a lot.
  • Mirin. Ditto.
  • 1 really nice eggplant. I have plans for it to become intimate with some of the yogurt.
  • 1 bar of Lindt 85% cocoa chocolate. (Standing in the checkout lane impulse buy).
I love those little multi-colored bell peppers. I only like orange, yellow, and red, so that's perfect they never have green in them (yuk). I like how they have fewer seeds and pith than the big peppers do. Do the little ones seem sweeter or is it just in my mind? I use them constantly for a variety of dishes and for the two of us, 1 pepper is usually perfect in any recipe. They definitely do keep better whole than when I cut up a large one and put it in a container in the refrigerator that sometimes turns into a science expirement if I don't use it quickly enough.
I’ll admit, I could eat a hundred of those pizza rolls…which is why I don’t buy them. :laugh:
Couldn't you make your own? That is, if you got bored enough and wanted to make a vast improvement on a frozen food item? I bet yours would be...wait for it...TASTY!!!!
Fresh crab is hard to find unless you are on the coast, or have deep pockets. Most crab is caught and frozen immediately, for travel to stores inland. Actually, unless you buy live crabs, you are better off with frozen.

You can also buy crab meat in cans/tins. A lot of labor goes into that, so it isn't cheap. Carb meat is graded here, and the top grades are pricey.

We have a fish market here that gets live softshells sometimes and they regularly have fresh, cleaned Maryland crabmeat in plastic tubs, and it's quite good.
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